Anything can happen anywhere

Start from the beginning

Allison ran as fast as she could, but she couldn't catch up with Charlotte. She didn't know the area, and she wandered among the paths, stumbling over rocks and snags. Out of breath, she paused for a moment to catch her breath, and when she heard footsteps behind her, she whirled around, ready to run at any moment. Allison breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Francis running toward her. Crowе stopped, took her hands in his, and held her firmly against him.
- It's going to be all right - he said.
- Francis ... Charlotte... we need to go there - she exclaimed, pointing to the forest - I looked back, and she was gone, I was so scared, and then...then I ran as fast as I could, but I couldn't find her... we need to find her! It's my fault, I shouldn't have let her out of my sight.
- Quiet, quiet... Charlotte is no longer alone, Sidney is with her - Crowe replied, holding her even tighter, feeling a shiver run through her entire body.

She stepped back again, moving inexorably toward the river, pushing Garling and Cooper between them.
Suddenly she saw who was hiding in the bushes and let out a sigh of relief. It was Sidney. He was here with her, and did not participate in the race.
Sidney raised his hand, putting his index finger to his lips, as if asking Charlotte not to betray him.
She looked from him to Cooper and then to Garling, as if assessing them.
- I don't think we got off to the wrong start, gentlemen - Charlotte said boldly, trying to speak so loudly that they wouldn't hear Sidney approaching - we didn't even introduce ourselves. I'm Charlotte Hеywood. How do I address you?
Cooper laughed out loud, completely off guard, and Garling just scowled at him and then at Charlotte.
- We know who you are, bird - Cooper said, taking a couple of steps toward her - About you and your fiance. I made sure of that.
- You must be very thoughtful - Charlotte said - and you don't like bad surprises?
- Of course not, who likes them? - Cooper said cheekily.
- Then you won't like it - Sidney said from behind him.
Cooper spun on his heel and took two powerful blows to the face, followed by several short ones to the stomach. Sidney beat mercilessly, without restraint, without following any rules. Mr. Parker was angry and ready to destroy anyone who stood between him and Charlotte.  Cooper crouched, clutching his face and stomach, and sank to the ground, unable to recover from the blows he had received. Sidney shoved him and turned to face Garling, who, at his approach, rushed to Charlotte and covered himself with her as a human shield, grabbing her so that at any moment he could easily snap her neck.
- Let her go now - Sidney said icily - I know you're not a fool and you don't want to hang out on the gallows.
Garling took a silent step back, dragging Charlotte with him, still hoping in his heart that he could get away.
- Leave her - Sidney repeated - You know very well that your master is doomed, but do you want to go with him? Think carefully!
Sidney took a few more steps forward, forcing Garling to step back.
- I have nothing to lose - he said, finally - don't come near me, or I'll wring her neck.
- All right - Sidney said, stepping back - Take me. Why do you need her? I'm the one who stopped you from stealing Georgiana. Mrs. Campion paid you for me. Take me instead of her and do whatever you want with me. I'm not going to resist. Trust me, neither you nor Howard will be out of pocket.
Garling paused, seriously considering the offer.
- No - Charlotte exclaimed with the last of her strength, trying to pull away from his tight grip, but the strength was clearly not equal.
- It's my fault, and I have to fix it myself - Sidney said firmly.
Tears began to flow from her beautiful, wide-open eyes. She shook her head and jerked back, biting Garling's arm as hard as She could. He howled in pain and loosened his grip slightly, allowing Charlotte to slip out of his arms. A second later, Sidney was at his side. He dragged Charlotte behind him and lunged at Garling, striking him one blow after another, barely managing to dodge the blow back. His opponent was strong and, unlike Cooper, possessed boxing techniques.
But Sidney's anger played into his hands this time, giving him strength and courage. He delivered blow after blow, ready to crush the enemy. Garling realized that he was losing and drew a knife, wanting to tear Sidney to pieces.
He straightened up, spitting out the blood that had accumulated in his mouth, gripped the knife tighter, and started toward Sidney, but stopped abruptly and sank slowly to the ground.
Sidney and Charlotte looked up in surprise to see James Stringer standing behind him with a large rock in his hands.
- I hope I'm not too late? - James asked.
- You're more welcome than ever, Mr. Stringer - Sidney said, smiling slightly but still breathing heavily.
Cooper, who was lying nearby, stirred and, making some eerie inarticulate sounds that made Charlotte jump, tried to get to his feet. He soon succeeded, wiping the blood from his broken nose from his face and walking straight at her.
- Not this time, mate - Crowe said, slamming a stick under his knees.
Cooper gasped and fell flat on his stomach, nuzzling the grass and small branches. He groaned and fainted a moment later, allowing the audience to breathe in peace.

A few minutes later, Fred and the other workers, whom Stringer had warned by sending Phillip, appeared in the clearing. They dragged Garling and Cooper away, intending to lock them in a secluded area until they met with the judge. Stringer and Crowe hurried to their ladies to calm them down and tell them what had happened.
Charlotte and Sidney were alone. She pressed her body against his, burying her face in the collar of his now dirty shirt. He held her tightly in his arms.
- I'm sorry, I should have come earlier - Sidney said, gently stroking her hair - I shouldn't have left you at all.
She sniffed and tightened her arms around his waist. Sidney leaned over and kissed the top of her tousled head. In the heat of the struggle, her bonnet fell off her head and fell on the grass, but no one thought of it now.
Charlotte pulled back and reached out to touch the bruises on his cheekbone and lip.
- You must be in pain - Charlotte said, tears streaming down her cheek. Only now, realizing that she and Sidney were safe, Charlotte appreciated the horror of what had happened. She could have been killed, and the worst thing was that she could have lost Sidney forever, her heart wouldn't have been able to stand it.
- It's nothing - he said, smiling, trying to reassure Charlotte - What have they done to you?
- Nothing - hastily answered she -better tell me are you all right? Nothing, you managed just in time. I tried to stall for time as best I could.
- You were very good at it - Sidney said - You know, at one point I even thought that if I had come later, you would have persuaded them to let you go and turn Howard over to the authorities.
- Oh, Sidney - she laughed - you still have the strength to joke. But how did you end up here? I thought you were in the race. What about the Parker team?
- Lord Broome and Lord Babbington have kindly agreed to become the Parker brothers for a time answered and Arthur was all for it. A team of workers were happy to take the fourth boat - explained Sidney - but what are you doing in the woods alone? What the hell brought you here? You knew it was dangerous.
- I got a note from Tom, Alicia gave it to me - Charlotte replied, holding out the note, which she automatically slipped into the side pocket of her raincoat.
Sidney unfolded it and read it carefully.
- It's not Tom's hand writing - he said.
- I know - Charlotte said with a heavy sigh - but I realized it too late. Please don't be mad at me.
- How can I be mad at you? - Sidney said, smiling - especially now. And you know what, I'm more than sure that our adventure in the woods was much more exciting than the race.
- Oh, Sydney - Charlotte said, laughing and hugging him tightly around the waist.
Sidney leaned over and kissed her gently on her lips, glad that it was finally over and that his Charlotte was safe for the day.

Georgiana walked nervously up and down, and then looking at the road. Her heart was pounding, not letting her calm down. A few minutes ago, when the workmen had dragged Howard's henchmen into the light and the gentlemen had given them the good news, Georgiana had been leaping with joy, eager to share her feelings with Lord Broome, who was already on his way to meet her at the end of the last race.
A neighing horse brought her out of her daze, and Georgiana saw a carriage coming straight at her. She left the path in a hurry, but the horses, which had already picked up speed, also turned and were rushing straight at her. A second later, she was lying on the grass, pushed out from under the wheels of the carriage by a strong hand. She jumped up and saw Otis standing next to her. Mr. Molyneux rose and, brushing himself off hastily, addressed Broome as He ran up.
- It was Howard! - He said - we must catch up with him.
When he was sure that Georgiana was safe, Broome motioned Otis to his carriage. They lost no time in climbing up on the box and driving off, leaving only a cloud of dust behind them.
Georgiana's heart stopped for a moment, and her legs gave way beneath her, making it difficult to breathe. She wanted to scream in frustration. Georgiana lamb had never been a devout woman, but right now, as she stood by the road and stared into the distance, she was praying fervently, asking God for mercy for someone so dear and loved.

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