What more proof do you need?

Start from the beginning

She was breathless from running so fast, but she wasn't about to give up on Lord Broome. Just a few minutes ago, she had been standing quietly in the box waiting to meet him, confident that she could handle the situation easily. But as soon as Broome came up to her and gave her his charming smile, Georgiana's heart almost jumped out of her chest in spite of herself. She felt an incredible sense of embarrassment, shame, and a desire to immediately sink into the ground.
- Miss lamb - said Broome cordially - you left me so quickly that I was taken aback.
- I am... - Georgiana began, but the panic that had overtaken her overwhelmed Miss lamb.
- I'm so  Sorry - she said, and ran away from Broome, pushing past random passers-by.
Now she slowed, unable to keep up with her own pace, and he finally caught up with her.
- Miss lamb, stop it - said Broome, trying to grasp her arm - now, really, this is ridiculous, we're not children, stop running away from me.
He touched her shoulder and she stopped, covering her face with her hands. Georgiana shivered, still panting from running, and her heart thumped at his gentle touch.
Broome carefully turned her around.
- Look at me, Miss lamb - he said calmly.
She shook her head, still holding her hands to her face.
He smiled and gently cupped her slender wrists and parted her hands, finally freeing her face.
Georgiana didn't dare look at him again, but stared at the toes of her boots as they sank into the sand. He released her wrists.
- Look at me, Georgiana - he repeated, almost in a whisper, and the sound of his voice sent a shiver down her spine - are you afraid of me?
Her lashes fluttered up and he finally saw her eyes.
- I'm not afraid of anything and anyone-  she said proudly.
- Why did you run away from me - with a smile asked Broome - I admit, it was certainly quite funny, but now I have full shoes of sand.
Georgiana giggled, but quickly regained her composure.
- No one made you run after me - she said almost defiantly - maybe I wanted to be alone.
- I don't think that's true, Miss lamb - he said, moving even closer to her. So close that she could feel his warmth.
Georgiana looked at him, and Broome realized that he could no longer take his eyes off her as she drew him inexorably to her. Broome shook his head, trying to clear it, but it was useless. He felt like a stupid boy caught in her net.
- So why did you run away from me? - he asked softly, touching the small curls of her dark hair that had escaped from under her hat. Broome knew that he had been indulging in too much, but there was nothing he could do about it, and he didn't want to do anything about it.
I am... I don't know - she said honestly - I didn't think I'd see you there with... with no clothes on, and besides, I didn't want to kiss you at all...
He raised an eyebrow significantly.
- No, I wanted to kiss you, but I didn't plan to do it there - she said - God, why am I telling you this?
- Did you want to or not? - Broome asked with a smile, and when Georgiana looked confused, he added - but you can take your time with the answer, I've got things to do, like emptying sand out of my shoes.
She laughed and looked at him as she had before the incident in the arena. Broome was relieved. He was very much afraid that the trust and understanding that had improbably sprung up between them would be destroyed by some ridiculous accident.
Georgiana moved away from him and sat down on a large boulder, almost at the edge of the cliff. Miss lamb turned her face to the sea and sighed heavily.
- I suppose you think me terribly stupid and frivolous now? - she asked.
He walked slowly over and sat down next to her.
- You are mistaken - said Broome - at least not more frivolous than I am.
- Why do you say that? - Georgiana asked, turning to him.
- Because I wanted to kiss you, too, but you were a little ahead of me - Broome said with a smile - so I don't know which of us is more careless, you're a young lady who's in an ambiguous situation, or I'm a grown man who obviously can't control his fantasies and desires.
Georgiana straightened and looked at him.
- You see, I've embarrassed you again - Broome finished, looking her straight in the eye  - I have nothing to be proud of. I'm not even sure if we should have started this conversation at all...because...
She reached out and put a finger to his lips, motioning for him to be quiet.
- It was worth it - Georgiana - I'm...
He leaned toward her and gently stroked her cheek. She flushed, but didn't pull away from his hand, instead leaning forward to meet him with her entire body. Broome's heart began to pound as her face came so close to his, and her eyes and lips seemed to beg for a kiss.
He took a deep breath and touched his lips to hers. She answered him with as much passion and fervor as she could muster. Her hands shot up, burying themselves in his hair and driving him crazy with the incredible warmth and tenderness that radiated from her in huge, powerful waves. Broome put his arm around her waist and pulled her to him, allowing them to forget everything for a moment and drown in an ocean of emotions and feelings.

Evening and night crept up on Sanditon, spreading a welcome coolness around it and scattering myriads of stars across the sky. The guests left Sanditon house, giving its inhabitants such a welcome peace. The sisters, who had never been able to spend time together, were happy to be alone and quiet.
Charlotte sank her bare feet into a basin of warm water and looked at Allison. Her sister was sitting on the bed, hugging her knees and looking at the fire crackling steadily in the grate.
- Another day of the tournament is over - Charlotte said. - I don't think I've slept well since the ball.
The younger Miss Heywood continued to stare at the fire.
- Allison! - Charlotte said - can you hear me?
- Huh? What? Yes, of course - answered her sister - today was really good weather.
Charlotte laughed at her.
- What? Why are you laughing?  - Allison asked.
- What in God's name are you thinking? Mr. Crowe doesn't want to leave you even at night? - Charlotte asked.
Allison blushed and looked down.
- Don't do that, Charlotte - she said softly - you know very well that I like him.
- I'm sure you are, too - said the eldest Miss Heywood - and more than that, I think you feel it yourself.
- Yes - Allison said - but I don't know what to expect or hope for. I might be wrong about him, or worse, he might be disappointed in me. I am not at all like the beautiful and elegant ladies who have come from London.
- Oh, honey - said Charlotte, getting out of the basin and hastily wiping her feet - you can't disappoint him. You can't disappoint anyone. None of these ladies of fashion will ever be able to match you. And I'm sure Mr. Crowe understands that.
She climbed up on the bed and put her arm around Allison's shoulders from behind, resting her head on her shoulder.
- You're biased, Charlotte - Allison said - and you say that because I'm your sister."
- You just don't know what kind of treasure you really are - Charlotte said.
- Francis says that, too - Allison said, but then bit her tongue, realizing that she had said too much.
- Then what more proof do you need, silly? Charlotte asked - only a blind man can't see that he's crazy about you. He doesn't even try to hide it.
Allison said nothing, but looked out of the dark window, as if she wanted to see in the darkness of the street who was occupying all her thoughts.
- Papa will be here soon and we'll see how Mr. Crowe behaves - said Charlotte, smiling - I'm sure he's very much worried, as is Sydney. Oh, this will be a big surprise for our father.
- Our parents will be staying in this house - Allison said thoughtfully, trying to change the subject - and will have to deal with Lords and Ladies. I'm not sure our father is ready for this.
- Honestly, I have no idea how you were able to persuade him at all - said Charlotte - he does not like extra attention to himself and to his family.
- I think they really missed you - Allison replied with a smile - and Phillip got sick with this tournament, all ears buzzed me before I left.
- I think he already see himself as a knight rescuing a beautiful Lady? - Charlotte asked - a knight in shining armor.
- Yes, you're right - Allison replied.
They sat in silence, their arms around each other, looking at the fire in the fireplace and remembering the happy moments of their childhood.
Allison turned and took her sister's hands in hers.
- Do you think Esther told Lady Denham about the heir? - Charlotte asked.
- The three of them locked themselves in our Lady's study when the other guests left - Allison said - I think yes.
- They're so happy - Charlotte said with a smile - and they're going to have a baby soon. They both deserve to be happy. At first I thought Esther rather strange and cold, and Lord Babbington a little frivolous, but now that they are together, I don't think there is a better match for them.
- You and Sidney deserve real happiness, too - Allison said, squeezing her hands tighter - especially after what you've both been through.
Charlotte took a deep breath and lowered her eyes.
- I still can't believe that this is really happening, and I didn't dream it - she said.
Allison suddenly pinched her arm.
- Hey, what are you doing? - Charlotte exclaimed in surprise.
- Making sure you're awake - the younger Haywood said.
- Allison!  - Charlotte said, laughing.
- What? - Allison said - now we know you're awake. And you're actually engaged to the person you love more than your life. And soon you will be his wife.
- Oh, Allison - Charlotte hugged her sister tenderly and nuzzled her curly soft hair -  I'm so glad you're with me now.
- And I - Allison said softly, stroking her sister's hair - I missed you very much at Willingden.
Charlotte drew back and looked into her open, intelligent eyes.
- I'm sorry I didn't tell you right away - Charlotte said - I was afraid you wouldn't understand and might even judge me for my affection. But now I think I was wrong.
- I would be with you no matter what you did or decided - Allison replied, smiling - you are my Charlotte and I will follow you to the ends of the earth.
- Thank you, my dear - said Charlotte, and tears of joy glistened in her eyes .
Allison hugged her sister tightly, glad of the companionship and affection she had missed since her departure.
They sat for a long time, embracing, understanding each other without words.

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