From one gentleman's pursuit to another

Start from the beginning

Crowe made his way slowly through a group of gentlemen gathered in a pub discussing the opening of the tournament. The pub was almost full, even though it was quite early.
- Crowе - Sidney called. Francis waved a greeting to his friend and moved toward him. A minute later, he was sitting across from Sidney, looking at him questioningly.
- What's the emergency? - He asked - I'm at a loss as to what might have happened to you during the night."
- I'm fine - Sidney said - but I think I need a drink. Will you keep me company?
- Only if you insist - Francis replied with a grin - but what's the occasion? Congratulations to someone? Or mourn? Or just bored and the soul asks for entertainment?
- Neither - said Sidney.
- My friend, it doesn't happen that way - Crowe said - there's always a reason.
- You're right - Sidney said, smiling - I've heard that Mr. Heywood, Charlotte's father, is coming to Sanditon soon. I'm not exactly afraid of him, I'm sure he's a fine man and I was going to see him myself... but... I'm worried.
- Mr. Heywood - Crowe repeated slowly and thoughtfully, pouring himself a glass - I think I'll keep you company.
Sidney laughed and patted his friend on the shoulder.
- Now you understand me, my friend - he said with a smile.
- Admittedly, this quick meeting with her father wasn't part of my plan - Сrowе said - but you know, maybe it's better this way.
- Are you sure it's that serious? - asked by Sidney - she is the Charlotte's Sister and I will not let you break her heart.
- So serious that it's sometimes frightening - Crowe said.
- I told you long ago that you were lost - Babbington said with a smile.
His friends greeted him.
- You have an incredible nose for booze and personal conversation - Crowe said with a grin - it even lured you out of Denham place from under the wing of your beautiful wife.
- Nothing of the sort - said Babbers - I was just looking for Augusta. When I awoke, she was no longer at home, and the servant informed me that she had gone for a walk.
- And you really expected to find her here? In a pub? - Crowe asked - do you think she, like her dearest brother, likes to drink in the morning?
Sidney and Babbington laughed.
- Of course not - said Babbington, smiling - to be honest, I was already desperate to find her and decided to go for a drink. I don't know where that stubborn girl went.
- Who would understand these Ladies - Crowe agreed.
- And what are you doing here? - Babbington asked.
- We had something to discuss - Sidney said.
- Is there something I don't know yet? - Babbers asked, sitting down at the table.
- Yes - said Sidney - We expect Mr. and Mrs. Heywood at Sanditon any day now.
Babbington laughed and looked at his friends.
- Well, it's all clear with Parker, he's already ringed, and you, Crowe, still have a lot of work to do - he said.
- I'm laughing out loud - Crow said sarcastically - My stomach was torn. Ha Ha Ha
- Oh, come on, I'm sure Mr. Heywood is quite a nice and sensible gentleman to have brought up such daughters - Babbington said.
- It's easy for you to say - Crowe said - you've already talked your old lady down, though I don't know how you did it, she's a flint. I'll never forget last night's tea.
- Night tea? - asked Babington - it's something new. How did you get her to take tea? Lady Denham scolded Tom very much yesterday for making a long show, and promised to go to bed as soon as she returned. Between you and me, she liked it, but she would never admit it to Tom.
-  Lady Denham is a constant presence - Sidney said with a smile - and she's not as dry as she wants to appear.
- Oh, Yes - Crowe agree - and she clearly cares for both the miss Heywood Girls. She even gave us a lecture on the folly of modern youth. I felt like a monster.
- And she doesn't know all about you - Babbington said.
Crowe rolled his eyes.
- No wonder you're so close to the old Lady - he remarked - you can drive anyone to distraction.
Babbington laughed again.
- And when will you tell the honourable Lady your and Esther's dreadful secret? - Crowe asked - if you keep dragging it out, she'll figure it out, and I'm sure she won't thank you for it.
- Yes, and when can we expect this happy event? Sidney asked - we must be prepared, for it is not every day that a new Lord or Lady Babbington is born.
- What? But how do you know? Did Esther tell you? - asked Babbington.
Sidney shook his head.
- Charlotte - he said.
- But how? How did she know? -  Babbers asked.
- I asked her the same question - said Sidney - she smiled and said she had еleven younger siblings, so she definitely can't be wrong.
Babbington sighed and dropped his hands in his lap.
- I've told her many times not to hide anything - he said - but this is Esther and she needs to do it her own way.
- I think we've all got very independent young Ladies - Sidney said.
- I suggest we drink to that - Crowe said.
- I support it - Sidney said.
- So am I - Babbington agreed.
The men poured glasses and drank, enjoying the pleasant conversation. It was at least half an hour before they left the pub and went to the arena where they were supposed to meet the ladies they loved.

It was almost noon, and the fencing trials had just begun. The stands slowly filled with new spectators and the arena came to life, filled with the voices and laughter of the curious crowd.
- The sun is terribly strong today - Diana said, trying to hide under the umbrella  - it was a bad idea to come here. It just burns, and we'll be nothing but embers
- Honey, don't be so upset - Mary said - if you want to, we can go home now.
- But then I won't see the competition - Diana protested.
- But you said you weren't feeling well - Tom said - maybe you should go home.
- Alone, without you? - Diana said - you are too cruel to me, brother. Leave me alone like this?
Tom looked at her in surprise, but when he saw Arthur eating a delicious Eclair with a smile and not saying a word, he also prudently decided to remain silent.
- Maybe you should see Dr. Fuchs - asked Arthur - I think I saw him on 2 tiers below.
- Yes, you're right - exclaimed Diana - I urgently need a doctor. Arthur, will you show me out?
- Of course - he said good - naturedly - I'll just get some more eclairs.

- Are you worried about him?  - Charlotte asked, watching her friend fiddle nervously with a lace handkerchief.
- Is it that obvious? - Miss lamb asked in surprise.
- Yes - honestly told Charlotte - calm down, this is just a competition and he hasn't even entered the arena yet.
- You're right - Georgiana said - I need to pull myself together.
Charlotte nodded and turned to her sister.
- Allison, isn't Mr. Crowe involved? - she asked.
- He won't enter the tournament until tomorrow - said the younger Hеywood.
- So tomorrow I'll have to calm you down - Charlotte said - even though you look pale.
- I'll look at you when Sidney steps into this arena - Georgiana said - and how pale you'll look yourself.
Allison looked at her gratefully.
- Now it's his turn - Georgiana said nervously, looking at the arena, and clutching Allison's arm.
The ladies, who had been watching the match closely, did not notice that the gentlemen had joined them.

She finished reading the paper and crumpled it up and threw it nervously into a corner. Eliza Campion was furious. This early announcement of Sidney's engagement to this vile country girl took her by surprise. In her heart she had hoped that he would change his mind and crawl to her on his knees, begging her to take him back, but fate had decreed otherwise. Yesterday she received confirmation from the Manager that the money had been credited to her account, and this morning the post brought the damned newspaper.
Eliza rose abruptly and began to pace the room. A plan of revenge had already been formed in her cold head, but she needed help to carry it out.
At other times, she might have found someone more reliable person but now he was the perfect fit for her purpose. She had to destroy this wretched girl and would do anything for it. Her ally was doubtful, but his frenzied zeal was still in her favor.
She glanced at the clock and swore under her breath. He was late, and that she disliked the most. Impatient, she paced the room again, unable to control her growing emotions.
A soft knock on the door brought her back to reality. The housemaid appeared in the doorway, pausing on the threshold, and seeing her mistress's mood, did not dare to say a word.
- What is It? - she asked.
- You have a visitor, mA'am - the maid said quietly.
- Who? - Mrs. Campion asked impatiently.
- Mr. Howard, mA'am - the maid replied.
- Great!  Eliza said, with a tight-lipped smile.
The maid nodded and left the room, and a moment later a fat, unpleasant man entered the door and gave her a lascivious look with his greasy eyes.
- I was told you wanted to see me, Mrs. Campion - he said - and I've been looking forward to seeing you since that night at the Sanditon hotel.
- Moderate your illusions, Howard -  she said coldly - you know perfectly well why you're here. We have common interests. I'm sure my offer will not only make you rich, but also give you a real pleasure.
- I'm all ears, mA'am - Howard said with a grin.
- This is about Sidney Parker - Eliza said and her blue eyes glittering with ice again.

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