Carefull of what? Everything!

Start from the beginning

Charlotte left them all in the living room and went out onto the verandah where she and Sidney had been. What was happening outside surprised her so much that for a moment she forgot about the tragedy that had happened in this big house.
The gentle sun that had shone so brightly on all the rooms this morning was hidden from view by dark, low clouds, as if an army were advancing on the town directly from the sea. The icy wind that had risen was so strong that it fluttered the flags with the symbols of the upcoming tournament, which were carefully hung near the entrance to Sanditon house. There was no thunder yet, but there was every indication that a thunderstorm was coming. Charlotte shivered from the cold and hugged her arms. "The tournament, I completely forgot about it. Now the opening will not take place. Nor was it possible to think of him when Lady Denham was there...."
She was suddenly overcome by a terrible melancholy and wanted to cry and scream with all her might.
- I knew you were here - Sidney said quietly, stepping out onto the porch and draping a shawl over her shoulders - Allison said you might want to go outside.
She turned and looked at him. Sidney's heart sank as he saw the frozen tears in her eyes.
- I'm sorry - he continues - Tom, Сrowе, and I were at the arena, and we came as soon as we found out.
- The tournament will have to be postponed - Charlotte said tonelessly - now is not the time.
- Opening and so would not take place today - said Sidney - there is such a wind and waves, most likely there will be a hurricane soon. Many simply do not want to leave their apartments.
- There are no hurricanes in Sanditon - she said, still gazing thoughtfully into the distance.
- Yes, that's what Tom always says - Sidney agree - and I can see how wrong  he can be sometimes.
- You know, almost no one loved her - Charlotte said, clutching the back of a nearby chair and trying to hold back the tears - she always had... so hard and sharp on the tongue. But she wasn't bad, Sidney. She just needed to get to know her better. Those days we spent here with Allison... I look at her with completely different eyes.
- Don't worry about it, Charlotte - Sidney said, taking her hands in his - there was nothing you could do about it. And no one could.
- You don't understand, Sidney - she exclaimed - only yesterday she was talking to us, scolding the servants, and demanding tea, she was Laughing at Allison and me. And today....
The tears began to run down her cheeks again. Sidney walked over to Charlotte and pulled her gently into his arms. She didn't resist. Burying her face in his shoulder, she began to cry, as Esther had so recently done on her husband's chest.

The rest of the day passed so slowly that it seemed to Charlotte that it would never end. The only relief was the appearance of Lady Worcester, who supported her as best she could, and kept her from drowning in the flood of her own sad thoughts. The festive dinner dedicated to the opening of the tournament turned into a memorial and was held in absolute silence. Charlotte didn't eat much, no matter how hard Sidney and Allison tried to talk her into it. It was painful to look at Esther, who had hardly said more than ten words all evening. Even the usually talkative Crowe and Arthur were mostly silent, feeling the sadness of the moment. Only Diana occasionally put in a word about the need for constant health care, and that they would all suffer the fate of lady Denham if they did not listen to her now. Sidney politely asked his sister to come out for a little conversation, and when they returned, Diana didn't say another word either, just sighed bitterly as she looked at everyone present. Even the tea party had become sullen and somehow cold and oppressive for everyone.
Closer to nine, the storm so furiously raging outside almost all day, over and guests were finally able to go home, leaving Charlotte and Allison alone in this big house, became again so glum.
- We should get out of here, too - Allison said quietly.
- Yes, you're right - Charlotte said after a moment's thought - I need to pack my things. Maybe there's still room in the hotel.
- Take your time, Charlotte - her sister said - We will leave when Lady Denham will be buried. You don't want to leave her here all alone, do you?
Charlotte heaved a sigh and couldn't answer her, and the bitterness and sadness washed over her again like a wave.
- Enough grief and tears for today - Allison said sternly, barely able to contain herself -now we will both go to our rooms and go to bed. Can you hear me, Charlotte?
- Yes, Yes, of course you're right - agreed the elder Miss Heywood - it's been a long day, even for me.
- It's going to be even longer tomorrow - Allison said - and we need to try to get some sleep.
Charlotte hugged her sister affectionately.
- I'm so glad you're with me now - she whispered - I would probably have gone mad on my own.
- Everything will be fine - Allison said - together, we can handle everything. Let's go to bed.
They walked slowly up to the second floor and along the corridor, clinging to each other and not wanting to be alone. When they reached their room, Charlotte reluctantly released her sister's hand and went to her room.
- I'll look in on you in the morning - Allison said.
Charlotte nodded and closed the door and went into the bedroom. She slowly undressed and lay down under the covers, wanting to quickly sink into a life-saving sleep, but her mind would not let go, recalling the events of the day. Charlotte lay awake almost until morning, crying and staring aimlessly at the ceiling, talking about how fragile human life can be and how illusory dreams of happiness are. She forgot herself in the early morning, falling into an uneasy dream in which she was rushing around the park in the pouring rain and could not find her home.

She was awakened by a loud thump.
- Charlotte! Charlotte open up - Allison said anxiously - are you all right?  It's late, and you're still not here. I'm worried.
She opened her eyes and sat up abruptly, slowly remembering what had happened to her yesterday. She looked out of the window and saw the sun shining brightly again, as if the storm that had raged yesterday had never happened. Today was not a good day for them, and she needed to be strong enough to bear it without dropping her face.
- Charlotte! This isn't funny - Allison said - open it now.
She got up, went to the door and, removing the latch, finally opened the door for her sister.
Allison, standing on the doorstep, looked very pretty in her Canary yellow dress with white trim and curls flowing so beautifully around her beautiful face.
- I can't believe you're still asleep - she exclaimed, rushing into the room - God, you're not ready yet. By the way, Lady Worcester is waiting for you in the drawing room.
- Yes?  - Charlotte asked absently, looking at her sister in disbelief - why are you dressed like this?
- What? -  Allison asked, looking herself up and down  - what's going on, Charlotte? Aren't you awake yet?
- No, what's going on with you? - Charlotte snapped at her, not understanding the change in her sister - I thought you understood everything, but you really don't.".. Lady Denham....
- Lady Denham has been asking about you, too - Allison said, looking at Charlotte in surprise and not at all sure what was going on - or rather, where you were this morning.
- What? Charlotte exclaim - Do you really think this is funny? Lady Denham died yesterday, and you find time to joke like that?
- What a stupid thing to say, my God - Allison couldn't help saying - I spoke to her five minutes ago and she was in perfect health. Are you sure you're awake?
Charlotte stared blankly at her sister. She felt suddenly sick and dizzy. She sat down slowly on the edge of the bed and looked at her sister.
"Was it all just a bad dream? But it was so real, so vivid. This can't be happening!"- flashed through her mind.
- So Lady Denham is all right? - she asked more calmly.
- Quite all right - Allison said -If you don't believe me, get dressed and go see for yourself, she's in the drawing room having tea with Lady Worcester.
Charlotte quickly cleaned herself up, reluctantly allowing her sister to arrange her unruly curls, dressed, and stormed out of the room. She flew down the stairs and down the hall in one breath, and into the drawing-room where the ladies were waiting for her.
Lady Denham was standing by the fire, holding a beautiful box in her hand, and showing it to her guest.
Without a second's hesitation, Charlotte ran to her and hugged her as tightly as she could.
- How good to see you, Lady Denham!  - Charlotte said.
Lady Denham also put her arm around her, and looked inquiringly at Susan. The woman merely smiled at her in response.
It took a little more time before Charlotte let go of a respectable lady.
- What is the matter with you, Miss Heywood? - Lady Denham asked - I'm glad to see you, too, of course, but...
- I'm sorry, Lady Denham... I...  - Charlotte began, confused.
- I'm sure you've spent too much time with Miss Parker - said Lady Denham - This lady will drive anyone crazy. She even tried to convince me that I' going to die not today but tomorrow. What a stupid thing to do, I feel fine and I can still give her a head start.
- Really, it's completely stupid - said Charlotte, smiling broadly, finally believing that all the terrible events that happened yesterday were just a nightmare - and who can believe it?
- Why are you late for Breakfast, Miss Heywood? - the hostess asked sternly - you don't do that at all.
- I'm sorry, lady Denham - she said - I just overslept.
- Have you been dreaming all night of a handsome Prince on a white horse? - Lady Denham asked with a grin - so he's waiting for you in the dining room, but without a horse of course. It had to be left on the street.
Lady Worcester gave a loud laugh and turned to the startled Charlotte.
- Mr. Sidney Parker is really waiting for you in the dining room - she said - We talked for a while, but he flatly refused to wait for you here. I think he wants to tell you something.
- I advise you to hurry, Miss Heywood - said Lady Denham - this is a big day, and we must not be late.
- And don't forget about your breakfast - Lady Worcester added.
Charlotte smiled in spite of herself, curtsied, and hurried up to meet Sidney.

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