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Marcella Cicely Mariano
Marcella, who goes by Cicely, also referred to as Ella, El, Cis, Ceci, Sis (by her brothers), and Principessa (by family), is a kind hearted 15 year old girl. She enjoys reading and spending time with her family. Very sheltered by her family, who wish to keep her innocent.

Xavier Grey Mariano
Xavier, also called Xavi (by Cicely), is the oldest of the Mariano siblings at 24 years old. He is heir to the mafia, and works closely with his father. He has many tattoos, including the mafia crest. He is emotionless and cold in public, but a big softy with his family. He is very protective of his younger siblings, especially Cicely.

Lucas Giovanni Mariano
Lucas, or Luke, is the second oldest Mariano, at 21 years old. He works for the mafia, and is second in line to inherit it. He goes to medical school in the same city as their home, so he lives at home. He is very protective of Cicely and will do everything he can to keep her safe. He is the doctor for the mafia for non life threatening injuries. He is easy to talk to and one of Cicely's favorite brothers, although she would never say she has favorites.

Kadence Antonio Mariano
Kadence, always referred to as Kade, for he will not hesitate to fight anyone who calls him Kadence (except Cicely, but he usually will tickle her as payback). He is the third oldest, at 18, and is a senior in high school. He plays lacrosse and hockey and is on varsity for both, and the team captain of the lacrosse team. He is extremely protective of Cicely and hates any mention of boys and Cicely in the same sentence.

Alessandro Santino Mariano
Alessandro also known as Alex, is the fourth oldest at 17 years old. He is a junior in high school and plays football and basketball and is on varsity for both. He is the goofiest of the brothers and likes to prank them. He is protective of Cicely and all his siblings.

Marcello William Mariano
Marcello, also called Liam (short for William), is the second to last oldest and is twins with Marcella at 15 years old. He is older than Cicely by fourteen minutes, and is also a freshman. He plays football and lacrosse. Naturally, Cicely and him are the closest, and best friends. He is extremely protective of Cicely but wants her to be happy, even if it means her dating, but god help the boy who breaks her heart. Unlike his twin, he knows about the mafia, he isn't apart of it officially, but he knows about it and trains with his brothers. He hates keeping the secret from Cicely, but he knows it's for the best.

Lorenzo Francisco Mariano
Lorenzo is the father of Cicely, Liam, Alessandro, Kade, Luke, and Xavier. He is the head of the Italian mafia, and is also extremely wealthy. He is very cold and ruthless against his enemies but soft towards his family. He cares about his family more than anything and will do anything he can to protect them. He is especially protective of his one and only daughter, Cicely and keeps her sheltered for her own safety and innocence.

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