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"Okay ..." bella knew that William was jealous. She reluctantly agreed. She had designed many wedding houses for couples, but she had never thought of designing her own wedding house. Even though she promised to stay with William, she wouldn't think about it until the child was found. 

Bella walked into the villa. This engineering team was very responsive. Even if she did not come over to oversee frequently, they did not slack off, which saved her efforts. After a close examination, she realized that everything was going on orderly. Bella was very satisfied. 

"Thank you," Bella said to the labor contractor. "We are glad to be at your service. You're welcome." The labor contractor said shyly. After checking this time, Bella also became more certain of the workers' responsibility. She said to the labor contractor, "You are doing very well. I'm very relieved that you are here. I will be busy in the future, so I won't come over often. This is my business card. If you have any questions, please call me."

After the labor contractor agreed, Bella left the villa. "Let's go. Now I'm going to speed up to finish the design of the Purple Mountain Villas." Bella said. The Purple Mountain Villas was her most important job at present. Because of something trivial, she had delayed too much. She had to speed up her design from now on. 

William was delighted to hear that Bella was going to start designing Purple Mountain Villas. "Okay, I'll pick you up and drop off from tomorrow." William's tone was filled with joy. If he could, he would have invited Bella to live in his house directly. But he knew that Bella would not agree, so he only said that he would pick her up every day.

"Oaky." Bella agreed without hesitation. She knew that even if she refused, he would definitely do so. Knowing that Bella would like to focus her work on the Purple Mountain Villas again, William was very delighted. 

When they reached home, they saw Susie standing in front of the door with anticipation. When Susie  saw Bella sitting in William's car, the jealously in her eyes flashed and quickly disappeared. With a simple smile on her face, she said, "William, you're back." 

When he saw Susie at home, William was a little surprised. he looked at Bella instinctively and found that she was not angry. he was slightly relieved. "Susie, why are you here?" William asked. "William, I can come for nothing, right? I just come because I miss you." Susie blinked as she stepped forward and held the arm of William. She was being witty. It seemed that she really treated William her own brother. 

Bella gazed at their intertwined arms, feeling a little uncomfortable. William quickly pulled out his arm and then took Bella's hand behind. This made Susie stunned. She did not expect that William would throw her arm away and hold bella's hand. 

because Daniel had failed yesterday, she felt very uneasy. So she wanted to come and see what was going on. But now that she saw that William was concerned about Bella and even let go of her hand to avoid any suspicion, she was extremely jealous. 

"William, you don't want your younger sister now because you have a wife now, right?" susie was not willing to be left out in this way. "How could I?" Hearing Susie saying that she was his younger sister and still looking sad, William said immediately. 

Susie will always be his sister. He can't possibly abandon her. Susie immediately smiled. She stretched out her hand to take William's arm. She smiled happily. "I knew that William wouldn't leave me alone." Susie laughed as if she were a child, holding William's hand tightly. Bella let go of her hand. Just as the nanny going out with liam in her arms, she immediately walked over. 

Bella did not care what Susie wanted to do. She held Liam in her arms. She had already spoken to William. William just regarded Susie as his younger sister, so Bella had no concern at all.  Susie was proud when holding William's arms, but when she turned around and saw Bella still played with Liam happily, she was discouraraged.

"William, it seems like she cares a lot more about than you." Susie said. She knew the truth in mind. The results of the paternity test had already come out. bella was Liam's biological mother. Of course, William had already been told to her, but Bella wouldn't know it. 

The child that Bella had been looking for so long was just beside her. William had cheated her more than once, saying that Liam was not her child. Susie's eyes were filled with evil. She could imagine the mess. 

 Daniel was so useless. The plan he designed for so long was useless. This time, if she wanted to do it herself, she had to let Bella leave William forever. "Susie, although we're siblings, it's better for us to keep some distance. Even thought Bella would not misundertand, I still don't want her to feel bad."

William did not want to hurt Susie when Bella was there. At this moment, there were only he and Susie, so he immediately said so. "William, my brother has sacrificed. I've always treated you like my brother, but you asked me to keep distance..." Susie's eyes suddenly filled with tears and cried at William. 

her eyes were filled with sadnessand said with a grievance, "If my brother is still there, he won't let me keep distance. You're not my brother. I should have understood.  When he saw that Susie referred to her brother sadly, he felt guilty. "I'm sorry, Susie." William hesitated for a moment, but he finally patted Susie's shoulder. But he did not compromise because of Susie's tears. Susie stiffened. He was just being sorry! What's the use of being sorry? She didn't want him to feel sorry for her at all. 

Mr. Steiner, A charming Man (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now