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William continued to say, which made Zoe completely hopeless. The manager dragged Zoe out. The begging for mercy from outside was quite loud, but William stayed the same, It was only when he saw Bella that he felt a little guilty.

"Bella, I should have been by your side just now." He could not bear seeing Bella being bullied. Last time he did not punish Zoe for Susie's sake. He did not expect that she would have dared to bully Bella. 

"I'm fine." Bella shook her head. When she saw the protection from William she felt very sweet. Although it might sound too much to have Zoe, a young lady, clean the washroom, Zoe deserved to be punished. When she bullied Bella, Zoe never thought about letting Bella go. 

The manager quickly had the room cleaned up and served new dishes. he stood next to the table to serve them tremblingly, fearing that William was unhappy. "You can go now!" William said. 

The manager looked horror at William. "Chief William, things happened today..." William looked at him. The coldness in his eyes made the manager tremble again. He said, "It's done." The manager was completely relaxed when he heard that.

"Chief William, Miss Bella, enjoy your lunch. I'll leave now." The manager quickly pulled out of the room and wiped his forehead after closing the door. Chief William's pressure was too strong. Although he had seen a lot of celebrities as a hotel manager, William was definitely the most powerful one. 

"Go and see if Miss Gray is cleaning the washroom. She must clean them well. Otherwise, we are all doomed." The manager ordered. He then calls the boss of the gray Group. 

When he heard that his daughter was annoyed William, the boss of the gray Group were terrified. He feared that William would destroy the gray group. When he heard the manager say that it did not affect the gray Group at this time, he was relieved. Only Zoe was punished to clean the washroom. 

Although Zoe was his daughter, cleaning the restroom was not a big deal compared to the entire group. Of course, Zoe would not clean the washroom properly. She yelled in the washroom, saying that she was a decent lady and would not do such humble things. 

But she never thought that it would not take long for her to receive a call from her father to require her to clean the washroom properly. Otherwise, he wouldn't want her as his daughter. Susie heard about the news that Zoe had been punished to clean the washroom. She bore Bella a grudge. 

even though she didn't care Zoe the idiot, she had asked William for a favor not to punish Zoe at the birthday banquet. She did not expect that Zoe was finally punished. Even though the two things were not related, she still felt very shameful. 

It was time for Bella to pay for it. because of Zoe, Bella's mood was affected. her appetite was much smaller. She stopped eating soon. "Are you full?" William also put down his forks and wiped the corners of his mouth with a tissue. Even though it was such a simple gesture, he did it with extraordinary elegance.

"Yes, I'm full!" he knew that she was reluctant and the reason why Bella had no appetite, so he directly called the manager to pay. Then they left the restaurant to go home. "W didn't eat well at noon. I will cook for you tonight." It was his idea. He brought Bella directly to his home and decided to drive her home after dinner. 

However, the plan had to be changed. The military district called and said that there was a mission to be performed by William. "Bella, I might not come back in a few days. Take care of Liam for me." It was urgent, so he was packing up when saying this to Bella. 

"Don't worry. I'll take  care of Liam." Bella said. William had quickly packed up. The guards were already waiting in the car. Looking at William getting into the car, there were concerns in her heart. 

"Be careful, William." Bella bit her lower lip and said to William. For the first time, she realized that she was so reluctant to leave William. "Don't worry! I'll be back safely. Remember to miss me." William's eyes were filled with affection. The last two words made Bella's heart trembled. She flushed immediately.


Why wouldn't she miss him? She had already missed him before he left. William smiled with satisfaction. Then he said to the guard, "Let's go!"

As she watched the car drifting away, it was as if Bella's heart had also gone far away with William. She went back to the house and told the nanny that because William will be away for a few days, she had to stay here to take care of Liam. She had to go back and get some clothes. 

After speaking to the nanny, she left by taxi. When she reached her home, she realized that Daniel had come again. Bella was hatred. What did he want again? In the morning, he had failed to blackmail her. Now he came to play his trick again?

She walked coldly to the door and opened the door without looking at Daniel. She went straight in,  ignoring him. "Bella, I had a fatal illness." Bella stunned a little. he was still full of energy in the morning to defame her and destroy the relationship between her and William. In the afternoon, he came to tell her that he had a terminal illness. It was a joke? What was his trick?

When he saw her stop closing the door, Daniel immediately walked over. His expression was sad. "I just received a medical report. It was cancer. It's in advance. I cannot imagine it. Why would I have cancer?" Daniel did not want to accept this fact and he was already in tears. 

Even though she had a hatred for Daniel, it was her father after all. She was a pity that he had cancer. "Bella, I know that you must hate your father. It's my fault. I've done so many things to hurt your mother and you. I can tell no one when I got sick. I can only tell you." Daniel said sadly. 

"What about that woman? Did you tell her?" The woman she referred to was of course Vanessa's mother. Since Daniel was ill, she should be the most anxious person.

Mr. Steiner, A charming Man (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now