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William did not reach out. He just looked at Daniel coldly. He knew that Daniel wanted to fawn on him. If he was accepted by Bella, then he would not refute him. But he wasn't.

He had already investigated him that Daniel had not fulfilled his obligation to be a father for a day, and Bella had always hated this father. 

 "Bella, if you get tired, just go get some rest," said William. Bella was clear about Daniel's thoughts, so she did not want to leave at all. She was worried that William accepted him some unacceptable request because Daniel was her father. 

"Don't worry. I'll handle it properly." Bella saw the affirmation in his eyes, so she walked in. She was still worried that Daniel would talk nonsense.  

Bella entered the room, and she felt anxious when she saw William and Daniel were standing outside. She had already seen Daniel's greed. he even used her dead mother to threaten her. He was no bottom line at all. 

If he used her to extort William, it would not have been impossible. Thinking about this, Bella was very angry. From birth to now, Daniel had never cared about her, but now he came out to ask for money. 

 it seemed William da felt uneasiness. William turned his head and gave her a comforting look. Bella was slightly more at ease. 

When Daniel saw that William was not letting him in, he scolded Bella that this slut must have said a lot of bad things in front of him, so he would do this to him.

However, he was the chief, so he shall show some respect regardless of what he was thinking. On the contrary, it was because of his identity. Even if he did not let him in,  he was still very happy to be able to speak to people like William. 

"I didn't expect Bella to be with Mr. Steiner, so I'm really happy!" Daniel spoke up, and his cheer in his eyes was even stronger. "Bella has never mentioned her father before, I didn't think his father is such a man like you." William's tone was ridiculed.

Daniel was stunned for a moment, then laughed. William's attitude was already clear that he didn't like the person whom  Bella did not like.

"No matter what, Bella is my daughter. What do you think?" Daniel said shamelessly.

As long as William was concerned about Bella, he could get something from William. Of course, it would be even better if William married Bella. At that time, he would be William's father-in-law. He could do anything as he liked in this city. He wouldn't be worried about the money. 

Of course, William understood what he meant. What he wanted to do was to quickly resolve this trouble so that he would not disturb Bella again. 

"What else do you want to say? I don't have time." William's face was cold, which made as Daniel tremble. He looked at William carefully. He was so happy just now that he had forgotten that he was a leader. That was the person standing at the top of the pyramid. He couldn't annoy him. 

However, Bella was his daughter. As long as William liked her, it was understandable, if he requested something. "Mr. Steiner, you probably don't know that the White Group's business has not been very good lately. It's both lacking in money and connections. If someone likes you can help us, then all of our company's problems can be solved..."

Daniel's eyes flashed with a strong desire. he dreamed of developing the White Group, and he wanted to be the celebrity of the city. But in fact, his abilities were much smaller than his desire, and it was already a miracle that he could sustain his business until now. Of course, the reason this business could survive was Bella's dead mother. 

William looked over and found Daniel had a  whimsical look. His eyes were cold. "You mean, you want tome to help you," William said indifferently without any emotion. 

Daniel's courage increased and he continued, "Yes, Mr. Steiner, if you're serious about Bella, then one day I'll be your father-in-law, right? If your father-in-law is just one who is bankrupt, then it will not be good for you, right?"

Daniel seemed to be very rational. After saying this, he looked at William hoped for a clear answer. 

Bella could not hear what they were saying, but from the window, he saw that Daniel was becoming more and more excited. She wanted to go out to see, but William had already closed the door and apparently did not want her to go out. 

Bella looked at the window anxiously, hoping to know what was going on. William looked at Daniel's emotions with distant in his heart. Such a person was still a businessman. A businessman started to imagine things beyond his capability! No wonder his company went bankrupt. 

"I don't care, but I've never been used to helping people, so in the future, you shouldn't come to me to talk about these things." Hearing the icy reply from William, Daniel felt like he was being poured by cold water, and he stared at him.

He really did not hear about that William help someone, but he wasn't someone else and he would be his father-in-law in the future! "Mr. Steiner, there are exceptions to everything, right? You like Bella so much. Why are you willing to let her father go bankrupt?" Daniel said. 

Although his company had injected $30 million, this was just the money to fill the loopholes. If he wanted the company to operate properly, it would still need various factors. Of course, with the help of Mr. Stiener, these things would be resolved soon.

William set his gaze on Daniel with strong pressure. Daniel's body trembled. Willliam's gaze made him afraid, but he could not back down. 

When he thought about this, Daniel straightened up. Mr. Steiner, you don't even help Bella's biological father, I doubt your love for Bella." Daniel saw that he was unmoved, and he tried to provoke him. 

Mr. Steiner, A charming Man (Book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora