Chapter Fifty-Seven: Date Redo

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"The beach!" Cassie exclaimed as she and Jordan felt their toes sink into the yellow sand. "We made it this time!"

Jordan chuckled, looking around at the beautiful beach they called home. The beach was quiet at that time of the evening, except for the few people there that had a blanket out to watch the sunset. He was beyond happy that his car tires didn't do him wrong this time and that he was able to bring Cassie on her dream date.

"Thank god," he said before chuckling.

Cassie stopped walking when they were close enough to the ocean. "This is good. We can sit here," she said before unraveling her blanket. She nicely spread it out on the sand. She was astonished that she was able to successfully put the blanket down on her first try. "Yay! I did it!" She laughed.

"That was pretty clean," he laughed as they both sat on the blanket.

The sky was bright orange and pink that night. The colors reflected off the ocean, showcasing the breathtaking scenery. Even though the sunset was still beautiful in the middle of the road on their last date, it was even more beautiful at the beach.

"Are you more of a beach person, a city person, or a country person," Cassie asked before snickering, thinking her question was a bit childish.

He answered quickly, already knowing what he was. "Beach person,"

"Oh, really?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow. "I guess the surfer hair explains it all," she pointed to his fluffy blond hair.

He chuckled, thinking back to all the times someone said he looked like a 'surfer dude.' "I'm a lifeguard so I guess I have to be a beach person for that."

"Do you work here?" She asked, pointing to the lifeguard stand ahead of them.

He nodded his head. "Yeah, but only on the weekends now that we're in school," he explained to her. "I also work at my uncle's boat rental whenever I can."

"That's very beachy," she couldn't help but admit.

"What about you?" He asked, taking his eyes off the sky to look at her. "What kind of person are you?"

"Beach," she answered without hesitation. "I wouldn't be able to survive in a city. I'm terrible with directions," she said before laughing. "And the country sort of bores me. The only thing I imagine when I think of the country is riding horses for some reason. If I tried to ride a horse I would fall off and crack my head open for sure."

He couldn't help but laugh, finding it funny how much she went into detail about the city and the country.

He then shifted the mood. "I actually want to ask you a more serious question."

She gulped, growing apprehensive. She felt her heart beginning to pound in her chest. "Okay,"

"I just want to know where your head is at because I know you just got out of a toxic relationship," he said to her as she nodded her head. "And there's a part of me that thinks you don't want to be in a relationship for a while."

"Yeah," she answered almost immediately after he spoke, ready to explain herself. "There will always be a part of me that doesn't want to be in a relationship. I don't need to date someone. I never have thought that way. I am fine on my own and with someone else."

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