Chapter Thirty-Three: Luncheon

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"Do we have to host everything?" Cassie questioned, watching as her mother lied out plates of tacos on the table in their backyard.

The football team was yet again gathering at the Mendez house for a fundraising luncheon, where the parents of the football team planned to bid on baskets to raise money for the team. This was planned by PTA mom Madison Rivera and her husband, Diego Rivera, who was once quarterback for West Coral High School.

"Do you need to have an attitude about everything?" Her mother shot, giving her a maternal stare.

She grunted at her mother's sassy comeback. "It's just that... whenever we host something, things get messy."

Her mother began to organize the setup of the table as she scoffed. "And whose fault is that? My kids."

"Maybe you shouldn't have had so many of them then," she sassed, shrugging her shoulders nonchalantly.

"Okay, Cassandra," her mother looked up from the table as she put her hand on her hip. "Lose the attitude right now. Does Luke find that attractive? It's not a cute look on anyone."

Cassie was about to answer her mother with yet again another sassy comeback but was interrupted by Trevor, who walked towards them. He was dressed in khakis and a polo, already clothed for the party. "What does she care, mom?" He questioned, raising his hands up. Cassie's eyes widened in surprise. Was her brother finally taking her side? It was about time. "She only cares about what Jordan thinks of her."

"Stop," Cassie hissed, squinting her eyes at him in anger. She should have known Trevor would behave like this once again.

She watched as her brother opened his mouth before putting a closed hand in front of it, moving it up and down. Cassie covered her eyes as her brother pretended to give a blowjob in front of her. Her mother watched her son's performance with concern in her eyes.

"That's what she was doing to Jordan," he informed his traditional and strict Mexican mother. "Mamada." (Blowjob).

Cassie's cheeks were flushed red in embarrassment as her mother turned around, shaking her head in disbelief. "You did that?" She questioned but her daughter didn't answer her. "That's disgusting. I can't believe you."

"You think that's disgusting, mom?" Trevor asked, letting out a laugh. "I heard Cassie and Luke having sex in the storage closet at work yesterday!"

"What?" Cassie blew up, clenching her fists in anger as she breathed heavily. "That's not true!" Her mother was relieved to hear that it was just another one of her son's lies to make him look like the better, innocent child—even though that was the last thing he was. "We were so quiet," she whispered.

"Dios mío," her mother mumbled as she planned to pray on her rosary beads later that evening for her daughter who was taking action in premarital intercourse. "Go upstairs!" She demanded, not wanting to see any more of her youngest.

"Gladly," Cassie rolled her eyes, walking away in embarrassment.

An hour passed by and the party was at full bloom. Lunch was just finishing as parents were starting to bid on baskets. The children of the parents were doing their own thing and talking amongst themselves, having no interest in the fundraising.

Brittany and Toby sat next to each other, giggling because they poured wine into their cups without their parents knowing.

"I can already feel it," she joked as she set the empty cup down on the table in front of them. "I'm wine drunk."

Toby chuckled. "You're a lightweight."

"Shut up," she laughed as she looked up from the table and around the party. She noticed someone sitting by themselves on the chair adjacent to the pool. She pointed in the direction they were in. "Is that Juliana sitting by herself?"

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