Chapter Thirty-Six: Queen Bee's Plan

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"I got your text!" Brittany exclaimed as she sprinted over to Alivia, who sat on the picnic table outside of school during free period. She watched as Brittany's long brown hair bounced with her every footstep. "I'm so happy to hear that you've come to your senses and you're going to ask Parker to homecoming."

Brittany had an excited expression on her face when she sat across from Alivia, who was munching on a half finished bagel. Alivia feared she would see the other half of her bagel as she grew nervous and intimidated by Brittany's presence. There was something about the way she walked, talked, and the attitude she carried that made Alivia want to say all the right things and not slip up, as she feared Brittany would end her life.

Alivia took a deep breath as she took a sip of her water, hydrating herself so she wouldn't pass out in front of Brittany. "Yeah, well... it didn't take much thought. I'm just nervous about asking him."

"Don't be! Have more confidence," she advised as Alivia nodded her head. Her advice quickly went into her one ear and then out the other. Clearly, Queen Bee Brittany didn't have social anxiety and couldn't possibly relate to Alivia's struggles. "Do you have an idea of how you want to ask him or do you want me to do the deciding? Trust me, I have good ideas."

"If I'm being honest, I haven't really thought of anything," Alivia answered her truthfully.

A smile formed on Brittany's face. She was more than excited to make all the decisions and hold responsibility in her hands. She knew she wouldn't have liked Alivia's ideas, anyway. "Okay, perfect. I'll decide," she said as she fixed her long and healthy wavy brown hair. She thought for a moment or so before getting back to Alivia on her ideas. "What about this Friday?"

"Uh..." she quickly ran through her schedule in her head. "Before or after the football game?"

"No, at the football game," Brittany corrected her.

Alivia almost choked as her eyes widened. Was Brittany crazy? Yes. She was. She knew that. "What do you mean at the football game? Parker is on the team."

"Okay, I guess technically after the game," she corrected as Alivia's anxiety calmed. For a second, she thought she meant she wanted her to ask Parker in front of all those people at the game. "Right after the game ends, you're asking him," Alivia stood incorrect. Brittany did mean at the game. She didn't give Alivia a chance to object as she continued with her idea. "I'll get my team involved. I'm sure my coach would love to help with a homecoming proposal. I'll have the flyers hold up posters that say H-O-C-O? and then you'll stand on the end. He'll love it. That's so cute and definitely makes a statement. People will enjoy it."

Alivia shook her head continuously as her eyes widened in fear. Her heart was beating out of her chest at just the thought of asking him in front of a crowd. "Brittany... no. I can't do that. Asking him in front of all those people? Are you crazy! What if he says no? Then I'll face rejection in front of everyone!"

"What? He won't say no," Brittany assured her—but Alivia wasn't so sure. "Not to be rude but you're his only option. If he says no, then he has no date. So, therefore, he's not saying no. He should be honored someone is even asking him."

Alivia ran a hand through her strawberry blonde hair, trying to calm herself down. There was no way she could gain the confidence to ask Parker to homecoming in two days. "I don't know. I'm afraid people might laugh that a girl like me is asking Parker Hughes to homecoming."

Brittany had a blank expression on her face as she tried to think of how she could answer Alivia. "Well..." she started, "no one is as mean as me and you don't see me laughing, do you? Remember that this is my idea. So, if anyone laughs, they're laughing at me. Not you."

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