Chapter Fifty-Six: Broken Heart

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"Aye! What's up, girls?" Max exclaimed as he watched Juliana and Alivia enter the backyard of his house. Country music was blasting on the speaker behind him. They waved to him with a smile on their faces. "Where's Mexico?"

"Spending time with her family," Alivia answered as he nodded his head.

"I guess that explains why Trevor isn't coming either," he laughed before pointing to the table full of a variety of alcoholic beverages. "Feel free to grab a drink!"

"Thanks!" They both exclaimed as they walked into the party.

"Oh!" Alivia exclaimed as she pointed to someone standing a little ways from them in the yard. "There's my chemistry partner. I'm going to go say hi! Be right back."

Juliana watched as her best friend ran towards a short, blonde haired girl. She turned around, her eyes landing on Parker across the yard. The first thing she wanted to do was walk over to him and say hello, but when he was standing awfully close to Lex, she knew that wouldn't be the best idea.

She could tell they were flirting with each other. They way they were both laughing and looking into each other's eyes explained it all. Juliana blinked multiple times, feeling like there was something in her eye. She thought she may have been imagining the sight. It felt fake to witness.

But then she witnessed even worse. She watched as Parker cupped her face before pressing his lips down on hers. She was quick to snake her arms around his neck as she pulled him towards the outdoor couch behind them, their lips still connected. He fell back on the couch as she crawled over top of him. Their kiss began to turn into a make out session as they started to intensely move their lips with each others.

Juliana stood in the yard dumfounded, feeling her heart breaking in two and shatter into a million pieces in her chest. It was the most painful feeling she had endured. She felt so many emotions going through her mind.

First, she was confused. Why Lex? Since when did Parker have the inclination to want to kiss Lex, especially on a random night like tonight? Had he always wanted to kiss her? Did he have feelings for her? Did they have a thing and she had no idea about it?

Then, she was angry. Mostly with herself, but Parker took part of the blame. She was angry that he was kissing Lex the same way he kissed her. Did he do that to all the girls he talked to? Was she just another girl to add to the list of how many girls Parker had kissed in his lifetime.

Then, stupidity. How could she have been so stupid to think that Parker may have had feelings for her? Juliana Hartley. She was just a normal girl. There was nothing special about her, yet she thought Parker would drop everything to give her the world. She couldn't have been more conceited and selfish. What was wrong with her?

Then, she was hurt. Shattered, to be more specific. For the past year, she wanted nothing more than for Parker to have feelings for her. He teased her with that one kiss and she thought she was so close to achieving what she so desired, but she was wrong. Very, very wrong.

She didn't even realize she had been staring at them kissing. She was way too focused on her own feelings to care if she'd been staring at them for a little too long. Alivia was quick to snap her out of it, putting a light hand over her arm.

"Juliana," she said softly, watching as her best friend slowly turned to look at her. "I'm so sorry."

She shook her head in disappointment. "It's fine. I'm the dumb one here."

"No, you're not. Stop that," her best friend refused to let her talk like that about herself. She knew she was better than to think that way. "Let's go somewhere else to talk. Not here. There are too many people around."

Everything According to Julianaजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें