Chapter Fifty-One: Fixing Friendships

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Cassie was organizing the refrigerator at work when Alivia sneaked up behind her.

"Did you hear about Juliana?"

Cassie jumped, turning around with a fearful expression on her face as her heart pounded in her chest. "Jesus... are you trying to give me a heart attack?"

"Sorry," Alivia frowned with a look of compassion on her face, feeling terrible she scared her. "Did you hear about Juliana, though?"

Cassie shook her head as she continued to arrange all of the sweet iced teas together. "No. What happened?"

"She and Parker kissed at Jordan's party this weekend," she informed Cassie as her jaw dropped. "Apparently Brittany saw them kiss and told Jake. Then, when Jake was driving Juliana home, he confessed his feelings for her!"

Cassie's eyes widened in astonishment. She didn't expect to hear something like that happen to Juliana. She wasn't that kind of girl to get caught in that kind of situation. She closed the refrigerator door behind her as she walked closer to Alivia. "What? So, she's in a love triangle?" She questioned as Alivia nodded her head. "That sounds like fun." She then said sarcastically.

"Who will she pick?" Alivia asked excitedly. This was like a real life soap opera to her. "Who would you pick?"

Cassie shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Probably Jake. He seems nicer," she then immediately changed the topic as she furrowed her eyebrows. "You don't seem sad. Are you over Parker?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah. I mean... I think so. I don't know. It was just a crush, anyway. I didn't think I actually stood a chance especially after he had someone like Brittany Rivera."

"Umm... that 'just a crush' turned into a whole fiasco, didn't it?" Cassie pointed out, causing Alivia to be completely taken by surprise. She didn't expect her to all of a sudden speak her mind. "For what, Alivia? You made a whole scene and a half for Juliana to set you and him up. Now you don't even care about him."

She had a blank expression on her face. "Well, yeah... that's what happens when you get over a crush, Cassie."

"Whatever," she said as she turned back to the refrigerator. "It just feels like that was all for nothing."

Alivia tried to laugh it off. "Well, at least now Juliana can enjoy her love triangle without any interferences."

"What?" They heard a medium toned voice question from behind them. They both turned around, meeting eyes with Juliana. Alivia's heart stopped. "Are you guys talking about me?"

Alivia was shaking in her place, fearing confrontation. Cassie didn't fear a single thing as she answered Juliana's question confidently. "Yes."

"Oh, that's funny," Juliana was already starting with the drama. "So, you two won't talk to me to my face but you'll talk about me behind my back?"

Cassie laughed. "As if I would want to talk to you after you accused me of something I never did."

"Stop!" Juliana exclaimed, startling Alivia. "I've apologized multiple times to the two of you for what happened. I never meant for it to be this way. I never meant to hurt either of you. Please just forgive me."

Alivia breathed heavily, bringing herself to speak. "I don't know how things are going to go back to normal between us, Juliana. You really hurt me."

"I know, Alivia," she said as she nodded her head. "And I can admit that I didn't have the right intentions for what I planned to help you with. I'm so sorry about that. But I promise you that our friendship is worth so much more than all the petty drama we've been through. I see where I failed to be a good friend and I swear that I will never hurt you again. I miss you so much."

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