Chapter Seventeen: Fiesta De Taco

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On Wednesday night, Juliana stood alongside Alivia and Cassie at work. They worked at Cassie's family restaurant; Fiesta De Taco, which offered many Mexican food options. It was just two blocks away from the beach behind the bay. The only downside to working there was constantly seeing people from school, and to Juliana, that wasn't fun.

Alivia and Juliana were waitresses and Cassie was a hostess. When Cassie wasn't lazily directing people to their table, she was scrolling through social media and complaining about how much she hated working. If her parents didn't own the restaurant, she would be fired in seconds.

Alivia went on and on about how sitting next to Parker at the soccer game yesterday was so much fun. Juliana wanted her to stop, but of course, she would never voice that to her. She was waiting for Cassie to say something but she was enjoying her dinner break.

"He's super easy to talk to. I feel like he gets along with everyone. I really like his positive attitude," Alivia continued with a smile on her face. "All of his friends are so much nicer than I thought—"

"Luke's friends are assholes! What the fuck are you talking about?" Cassie questioned, looking up from her phone before she took a bite of her taco.

Juliana snickered, covering her mouth so Alivia wouldn't think she was laughing at her. "Nicer than she thought," she repeated Alivia's words. "Maybe she thought they were terrible."

"Nicer than Jordan Evans," Alivia corrected as Cassie nodded her head in agreement, pointing to Alivia. Juliana had to disagree. She thought he was sweet. "It's so surprising to me that Parker dated someone like Brittany. She's so cold-hearted while he's the complete opposite. It doesn't seem like they would mix well."

"Opposites attract," Juliana said. She was really being no help right now or giving much intake on her rambling about Parker.

"I don't believe that," Cassie shook her head back and forth. "Similar interests definitely bring people together."

Alivia nodded her head. "Definitely true. Parker and I both like Mexican food."

Cassie choked on her water before speaking. "Wow! Get married!"

"Did I mention that he's super cute?" She rambled again.

"Yes," Juliana told her, wishing she would stop.

Alivia laughed as she grabbed her notepad and pen, leaving the bar. "Back to work!" She giggled as she walked to her tables.

"Cassandra, ven aquí!" (Cassandra, come here!) Her father called for her in the kitchen behind the bar. She rolled her eyes as she stood up from her stool, grabbing her finished plate of tacos.

She walked to the door of the kitchen. "Dad! Sabes que no me gusta que me llamen, Cassandra." (Dad! You know I don't like being called Cassandra.)

"Cassie," he corrected himself before speaking again. "Escucha, el restaurante se está poniendo ocupado y estamos cortos de camareras ahora mismo sé que eres anfitriona pero realmente necesito que intervengas. Can you do that for me?" (Listen, the restaurant is getting busy and we're short of waitresses right now. I know you're a hostess, but I really need you to step in.)

"Dad, what?" She exclaimed in rage. Juliana overheard their conversation but had no idea what they were saying because she didn't understand Spanish. However, it sounded like Cassie was about to prove a point. "Literalmente ni siquiera puedo ser una buena anfitriona pero ¿quieres que sea camarera?" (I literally can't even be a good hostess, but you want me to be a waitress?"

"Lo harás bien, cariño. Juliana y Alivia te ayudará. Now get out of here!" He encouraged his daughter, shooing her out of the kitchen. (You'll do fine, sweetie. Juliana and Alivia will help you.)

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