Chapter Forty-Five: Hoco King and Queen

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It was a West Coral tradition to announce the homecoming king and queen the night before the dance at the football game. The crowd was roaring as the homecoming court nominees lined up on the side of the field alongside their parents.

Juliana was standing nervously next to her parents, clothed in a jean skirt and a short, red blouse. She didn't know if she was nervous because she was the first to walk onto the middle of the track when announced, or because she was scared that no one would clap for her.

"Good luck," she heard someone say behind her. She turned around, meeting eyes with Jake. He was clothed in his football uniform. He and his mother had a smile on their face.

She smiled back at him. "Thank you. You too," she returned the good luck as Jake smile became wider. "But you don't need luck. If you don't win, you'll get second or third place for sure."

Jake chuckled, shaking his head. "What? No. You're crazy."

"I'm serious!" Juliana exclaimed, her eyes widening. "Everyone likes you."

He shook his head again. "Are you one of those people?"

She didn't hesitate to answer him truthfully. "Of course."

"The first nominee for homecoming queen is Juliana Hartley," the P.A. announcer spoke into the microphone. Juliana and her parents started to walk towards the center of the field. The crowd was cheering for her. Thank God, she thought to herself. She really thought no one was going to applaud for her. Her legs felt numb as she continued to walk. "Juliana is accompanied by our beloved varsity football coach, Coach Hartley, and her mother, Vanessa Hartley. Juliana is a sophomore and is on the varsity soccer team. She plans to attend a four year university and major in psychology before getting her masters in school counseling to become a guidance counselor like her mom."

Jake turned around, meeting eyes with Jordan who towered over the crowd because of his height. His best friend gave him a slight nod and a smile.

"The first nominee for homecoming king is Jake Flemming!" The crowd was cheering unbelievably loud for Jake as he walked towards Juliana. "Jake is being accompanied by his father, Mike Flemming, and his mother, West Coral's principal, Principal Flemming. Jake is a junior and on the varsity football team. He plans to play football in college while majoring in physical education to eventually become a high school physical education teacher."

Lex prepared herself to go as Brittany laughed to herself behind Toby. "Don't trip." She called out.

She turned around slightly, sending an evil glance towards Brittany but she was hidden behind Toby. She growled in anger as she turned back around.

Toby could help but laugh as he turned around to meet eyes with his girlfriend. "Stop," he whispered as he continued to laugh. She joined in with his laughter.

"Next for homecoming queen we have Alexandra Carbajal," Brittany didn't cheer for Lex as she watched her walk. Jordan was cheering the loudest for her as Cassie fumed with anger. "Lex is being accompanied by her father Mario and her mother Esmeralda. She dreams of going to a fashion school and one day working in fashion merchandising."

Jordan was still cheering as Brittany turned around, looking past Parker and Cassie. "How do your hands not hurt from clapping so loud?" She shot before turning back around. Cassie snickered to herself as Jordan stopped clapping.

"Next we have Toby Crawford," the announcer spoke as Brittany clapped for him, but not nearly as loud as Jordan did for Lex. "Toby is being accompanied by his father Connor and his mother Jen. He is a junior on the varsity football and lacrosse team. He plans to attend a four year college and major in Biology before going to dental school."

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