Chapter Eighteen: The Kickoff

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"Mom forces us to go to this every year," Juliana's thirteen year old sister complained. "First, it's the fundraiser at the country club. Then, it's the stupid kickoff party. We get it! The first football game is tomorrow! Why should I care? I'm in middle school."

Every year, John Hartley and Enrique Mendez celebrated the start of football season the night before the first game. The football team attended as well as families, which was considered 'polite'.

Unfortunately for Juliana and Sarah, they've had to attend all the years their father was the head football coach at West Coral. Even next year that Nathan would be graduated, they would still have to attend, and they were not excited about that.

"I know," Juliana agreed with her sister. All she wanted to do was take off her dress and makeup, take a hot shower, and lie in bed with her bathrobe on while watching TV until she went to bed. Was that too much to ask? "This is the last place I want to be right now."

"Actually..." Sarah paused, looking straight ahead of her. "I change my mind. There are so many cute boys here!" She pointed to one of them. "Like him!" She pointed to Jordan Evans.

Juliana playfully hit her in the arm, shaking her head in disapproval. "Sarah, stop! That's like... illegal."

"You're over-exaggerating!" She hissed, rolling her eyes at her sister. "What! He's not that much older than me!"

The ding of Enrique Mendez tapping his glass saved Juliana's sister from saying anything more that she would regret. Everyone began to quiet down as they gathered around them. Coach Mendez cleared his throat. "This is one of my favorite nights of the year because we get to celebrate the beginning of football season—"

"The best season!" John Hartley exclaimed as the crowd broke out into laugher. Juliana and Sarah looked away in embarrassment. Could their father not embarrass them today?

"The best season!" Mr. Mendez repeated after him. "This team is a family. John and I love working with these boys. Everything we teach them, football skills and life skills, they show on the field. This job is very rewarding and I wouldn't ask to do anything else." He then pointed to his family in front of him. "I wouldn't be able to do this without the support of my seven beautiful children and my lovely wife."

His children and wife beamed at him, except for Cassie, who rolled her eyes. She was wearing an uncomfortable lilac dress and a fake smile. Her ideal Thursday night. She turned to Luke who stood beside her. "Pour me a glass of wine before I explode."

John raised his goblet of wine. "Thank you to all the families for coming and celebrating our boys. This season is going to be a good one! Go dolphins!"

Everyone cheered in excitement. Juliana and Sarah lazily clapped, not nearly as excited as everyone else. The crowd dispersed from gathering around Coach Hartley and Coach Mendez and went on to talk in their own groups. Sarah was gawking at Jordan and his friends, Jake, Max, and Toby. Juliana wondered where Parker was. Clearly somewhere Jordan was not.

Cassie's mother handed her a plate of enchiladas. She was taken by surprise as her mother barked demands at her. "Put these on the table next to the tacos."

She gritted her teeth, trying to hold back from saying anything snarky to her mother. She didn't understand why the caterers couldn't do that. Weren't they paying people to do what her mother was making her do? Nonetheless, she did as told. She shared a glance with Luke as they turned around to the long table with food. She put down the plate of enchiladas before Jordan approached them. Cassie was already unamused.

"If I wasn't lactose intolerant, I would try one," he told Cassie, examining the enchiladas on the dish. "But Gracie asked me to grab one for her so I will. Hopefully I don't die from touching one." He joked as he used tongs to grab the enchilada, putting it on the plastic plate in his right hand. Cassie didn't say anything as she stared at him. Since when was he so attractive? "Did you forget how to speak English overnight? Hello?"

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