Chapter Fourteen: The Fundraiser

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"Jordan!" Brittany's high pitched voice shouted across the venue. She walked towards him as everyone turned heads, following her with their eyes when she walked by.

It was Brittany's father's annual fundraiser to remove plastic from the beach and water, taking place at the country club. However, to the guests attending, it was more like a lavish hangout than anything.

The fundraiser was inside and outside the country club, but most guests were conversing with each other outdoors. There were tables set up, lights hanging from the roof of the country club to the white tents, and a DJ. Waiters came around frequently with drinks and hors d'oeuvres, getting the adults way too excited.

In Juliana's opinion, the best part of the fundraiser was the view. The county club was located right on the private beach. When she was younger, she used to love watching the sun go down at the fundraiser. That was the only reason she still somewhat enjoyed going every year.

"Brittany!" Jordan turned around, a smile on his face as he opened his arms for her to embrace.

She wrapped her arms around him, breathing in his pine cone scent. Hearts practically formed in her eyes.

Letting go of their embrace, she spoke. "You look so dapper when you ditch the sweatshirt and sweatpants. How handsome," she complimented, fixing a piece of hair that fell into his eyes. "But you always look good no matter what you wear."

Jordan looked even more attractive when he wasn't clothed in his usual sweatshirt and sweatpants or had his hair ruffled up. He almost looked like a different person when he was cleaned up, as opposed to his scruffy look in school.

Brittany was wearing a long, tight white dress that yet again came into a scoop neck and had a slit on the side. She seemed to have a preference when it came to a style of dress. The back of the dress was open in a criss-cross style. Her hair was straight as she wore long, blush pink earrings.

And as always, she was the prettiest face and best dressed in the room.

She gingerly touched his face, eyeing the left side. "I'm glad your eye is looking a little better... and that cut on your cheek. It looks better every time I see you," she giggled as he laughed with her.

"I was told it made me look badass though," he chuckled, shaking his head. "So, I'm kind of sad it's healing so fast."

Brittany and Jordan yet again shared another laugh. They were more compatible than everyone thought. They actually mixed well together.

"So, my dad's right over there," Brittany pointed in his direction. Her father was an entitled man. His outfit said enough about that. "As you know, my dad owns the country club. I came with my mom. My dad was here early making sure the fundraiser was set up to his liking. He can be hard to please."

Jordan nodded his head, examining her father. He looked uptight and unfriendly. He was proper and lived an extravagant life with his large house, Tesla, expensive watches... Jordan felt inferior to him. He lived in a small home, drove a fourteen year old black Jeep Wrangler, hardly saw his mother because she worked her ass off trying to make enough money for the family, and only owned one suit. He was nowhere near the level Brittany and her family was on.

She put a hand on his arm as she waved to guests that walked past her before turning to look him in the eye. "When he comes over here, do not, and I mean do not say anything about Parker. Don't mention that I cheated on him with you and if he asks about the black eye and the cut, say it was from football. He'll believe that."

"Okay," he bowed down to her commands as per usual. The princess always got her way. "How do I not make meeting your dad awkward? I don't know what to say to him."

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