Chapter Nineteen: Go Dolphins

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Brittany walked towards her cheerleading team on the track as they talked amongst each other before the first game of the season. The south Florida heat had cooled down from earlier that day and a nice breeze passed by them.

"She's such a fucking slut. Cheating on Parker Hughes with Jordan Evans? What is wrong with her? And she lied to Jordan, too. She needs to get help," one of the seniors on the team bitched to the other girls.

Her friend next to her hit her in the arm. "Shh! She's coming!" She pointed to Brittany who shared a glance with them as she walked past. And they really thought she didn't hear them shouting?

She waved to Savanna and Tiff who were putting their hair back into low ponytails. They smiled at her and watched as she tossed her book bag against the chained fence. She unzipped her book bag, taking out her turquoise and white pompoms. She stood, her eyes landing on a figure in front of her.

She breathed heavily as she clenched her pompoms in anger. Her eyes met with her least favorite person at the moment (she rotated between people she hated the most) and debated whether or not she should be a bitch that evening. She then realized this person deserved the rude words that would come out of her mouth.

"Karli Black!" Brittany exclaimed with a fake smile on her face. Karli walked towards her with the same fake smile. "How are you? I see you've actually brushed your hair today. And new foundation? It looks like a lighter shade. Finally, something that matches your skin that has clearly never seen the sun."

Karli fake laughed as she eyed Brittany up and down. She was wearing her cheer uniform as her hair was in a low ponytail with a braid on the side. She stood confidently as usual, but Karli knew she shouldn't have been so confident today. "It's good to see you as always. You're full of compliments." Brittany's fake smile fell off her face. "My dad is one of Margaret Height's football coaches. I came early to scope out the opponents."

"Did I ask?" She sassed, raising an eyebrow. She had no time to hear Karli's life story. In fact, she didn't care.

"No," she shook her head. "I was just saying—"

"Yeah, saying a lot of things I don't care about," Brittany cut her off. A repulsed look was on her face. "I know that's not the real reason why you're here."

Karli laughed, shaking her head. "Hm, maybe you're right. And maybe you should back off of Jordan Evans." A smile grew on Brittany's face once hearing those words. She knew Karli should have been scared. "I thought Cassie Mendez was the issue but I was wrong. It's you, Brittany Rivera. You're the issue."

"I'm always the issue," she said, shrugging her shoulders. "You know I don't play nice. So, why do you think I'm just going to drop everything to give Jordan back to you? That's impossible. Why? Because you never had him in the first place. Grow up and go back to where you belong. Margaret Heights... where trash lives."

She turned around, walking back to Savanna and Tiff. Karli spoke again. "What do you even see in Jordan, anyway? I thought you were going after Parker? So, you're going for both? You're a slut but why am I telling you that? I bet you get reminded every day."

Brittany shot her head around as her wavy brown hair followed with her. She hadn't been clear enough with Karli. Clearly, she wasn't being big enough of a bitch. "You're an attention seeking whore but I bet you get reminded every day." She mocked, stomping towards her. Karli was starting to feel nervous. "I can go for whatever boys I want. Let me be a slut, Karli. At least I could keep a fuck buddy, unlike you. How about you just go fuck yourself, bitch?"

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