Lord Broome was very cordially received by his hostess. The offer of a picnic was also accepted with great joy. Tom probably told Broome everything he knew about Sanditon and Its history. After tea, the conversation turned to the tournament and the men plunged into a discussion of the competition. The children sitting next to them were so engrossed in the stories of the battles that they listened for a while without looking up or saying a word.
- Lord Broome, will you participate in the tournament? - Jenny asked suddenly - are you as strong as our uncle Sidney?"
Charlotte smiled unconsciously at her words.
- Would you like me to participate? - Broome asked with a smile.
- Of course, you'll be fighting with uncle Sidney for the hand of the beautiful Lady - Jenny said judiciously.
- And what will the beautiful lady be called? Jenny? - again asked the Broome.
- Of course not - slightly frowning she said - I'm still a girl, and her name will be Charlotte!!!
- Oh, Yes..  - Broome said with a smile.
- So you're willing to fight for Charlotte? -  Jenny asked urgently.
Broome was just about to open his mouth to answer her..
- I agree - Sidney's voice said - to fight for the beautiful lady.
Charlotte abruptly turned around, not believing his ears. Sidney stood in the doorway, smiling at her.
- Uncle Sidney, Uncle Sidney! - the children shouted, and ran to meet him.
The children, rejoicing at his arrival, chattered merrily and jumped about. Sidney took James and Henry in his arms, and the girls hugged him.
- Children, let uncle Sidney go - Mary said, trying to calm them down.
- Sidney - exclaimed Tom, approaching and hugging brother - you already returned. I didn't even hear you come in. How did it go?
- It's all right, Tom - Sidney said - Mary, Miss Heywood.
He bowed to the ladies, who curtsied in return.
- Mr. Parker - said Charlotte, struggling to control her excitement - I'm very glad you're back.. Let me introduce you, Mr. Parker, to Lord Broome. The men greeted each other.
Charlotte looked at Sidney and met his gaze, then lowered her eyes to hide her embarrassment.
Sidney felt that Broome watched them closely and tried to keep a little distance, but he was not very good at it. Unconsciously, he kept casting short glances at Charlotte, as if afraid to lose sight of her for a second. He missed her very much on his trip, imagining how they would meet again. By the way, Lord Broome was not part of his plans.
- Sidney, Lord Broome is suggesting a picnic on the riverbank - Tom said - We'll have to call Lady Denham, the Babbingtons, and the others.
- A great idea - quietly responded Sidney - I will only for. And miss Heywood, as far as I know, likes picnics in nature.
Charlotte flushed in an instant.
- Yes, you're right, Mr. Parker - she said softly - I really like being outdoors.
- Well, then - said Broome cheerfully - I can't wait to see your river, which miss Heywood has talked so much about.
- Oh, it will be wonderful - said Charlotte - I will invite Georgiana, Mrs. Griffiths and the Beaufort sisters, I think they will be very happy, as well as Arthur. Mr. Parker, you can take on the Babbingtons and Lady Denham.
- Arthur will never miss a picnic-Tom said with a smile and looked at Mary - how about the day after tomorrow? I think one day of preparation will be enough?
Mary nodded in response.
- How about a little picnic competition?- asked Broome - let's kill two birds with one stone: we'll have fun and practice before the tournament.
- What do you suggest? -  Sidney asked with interest.
- Since we have ladies with us, I suggest they choose the type of competition - Broome said to Charlotte and Mary.
They looked at each other. Mrs. Parker shrugged, giving Charlotte a choice.
- In that case, I choose archery - said Charlotte, looking around with a smile at all those present - but with one condition.
Sidney looked at Charlotte, knowing exactly what she was going to say.
- And what is your condition? - asked Broome - the winner will get a kiss from a beautiful lady?
- Oh, no - said Charlotte, laughing - a very different condition. Ladies can also participate in the competition on a par with gentlemen.
- Miss Heywood - said Broome admiringly - you never cease to amaze me.
It was some time before all the details of the picnic were discussed.
- I'm sorry, but I have to go back to the hotel - Charlotte said with a smile - it's late, and I promised lady Worcester I'd visit her.
- I can escort you - Sidney said without hesitation.
- Don't worry, Mr. Parker - Broome said confidently - I'll see Miss Haywood off, it will give me great pleasure, and then I'm staying at the hotel, too.
Sidney politely smiled at him in response.
- Well, if you insist, Lord Broome, I'll give you that right - Sidney said, and then added - I'm sorry, I need to write a note to Babbington.
Sidney moved away from the others, sat down at the table, and began to write.
Charlotte said goodbye to the children and Mary. Tom and Broome made an appointment with Stringer for tomorrow. Sidney finished the letter and went out to say good-bye.
- Let me walk you to the door, Miss Heywood - Sidney said, walking with Charlotte into the hall. She flinched slightly when she felt his hand on her arm. He pulled his hand away, leaving something small and hard in her palm. Charlotte instinctively clenched her fist, hiding her secret gift from the others.
- Good Day, Miss Heywood - Sidney said, looking into Charlotte's eyes.
Charlotte smiled back at him and followed Broome out of the house.

She tapped softly on the door and looked inside without waiting for an answer. Lady Worcester was sitting in a chair in front of the window. She put the book down and looked at Charlotte with a smile.
- Come in, my Child - Susan said in a soft voice - and tell me how you spend your day.
- Oh, Lady Susan, Mr. Tom Parker invited me and Lord Broome to tea - Charlotte said - and then we went to Trafalgar house and had tea and played with the children. And Lord Broome suggested a picnic, and Tom and Mary were happy to agree. It remains only to invite the others. I hope you don't mind a picnic?
- Is something wrong, Charlotte? - Susan asked - you look very befuddled.
- Befuddled? - Charlotte asked, trying to smile - no, no, I'm fine.
- Something has changed since I saw you this afternoon - Susan continued, squinting slightly.
- Perhaps... - Charlotte said - I'm just tired.
- I hope Lord Broome didn't let you get bored -  asked Susan - he was so eager to see you when you were in London.
Charlotte looked down, confused.
- Lord Broome is kind to me - said Charlotte - and he is also a very interesting conversationalist.
- He can be a good friend to you  Susan said with a smile - and not only a friend... if you want to.
- But My Lady.. - Charlotte protested.
- I said if - Susan said - you deserve the best, remember, and it's up to you to choose.
Charlotte gave her an embarrassed smile.
- Is there any news of a certain gentle man? - Susan asked - are there any letters from London?
Charlotte looked down again, her cheeks flushed, but she answered Susan anyway.
- Mr. Sidney Parker came back when we were at Trafalgar house - she said quietly.
- Well, now I understand why you are so alarmed - laughed Susan - what a child you are in fact.
- You're just as confused as you were at that ball in London where we met - Susan went on with a smile - and the reason of that is the same gentleman.
- My Lady...I... -  Charlotte began.
- Don't be upset, my dear, and don't blame yourself - said Susan - tell me more about the picnic. To be honest, I can't wait to meet your Lady Denham.

Charlotte went into her apartment and closed the door firmly behind her. It was late in the evening and the long day was over. She wanted to be alone at last. She undressed, washed, and put on her nightgown and climbed into bed. Smooth the sheets pleasantly cool the skin, giving her the opportunity to relax and immerse themselves in their own thoughts. Sidney was at Sanditon, near her, and soon she would see him again. This knowledge warmed her inside and gave her hope for the best. Charlotte took out a neatly folded piece of paper, the one that Sidney had placed in her hand before she left Trafalgar house. Charlotte's heart stopped for a moment, and her breath caught in her throat, even though it was not the first time she had seen it written. She unfolded the sheet and read, smiling again "My dear Charlotte......"

#Sanditon #Sidlotte #Sanditonfanfiction

And yet there will be happiness... Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora