Lock down 1

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(Based off my first few weeks in quarantine)

"8..9..10!" Gavin sat up, finishing his round of sit ups.

"You keep sitting up like this, I won't be able to poke your tummy fat.."

"Hey!" Gavin spun around, looking at Jimmy.

Jimmy laughed. "You seem to be getting hot like that."

"I'm working out." Gavin said.

"What are you working out?"

Gavin ignored him. He continued to ignore his comments as he continues his next round of sit ups.

"You look hot Gavin. Want some water?"

Gavin stood up and walked over. "Sure. Jim-!"

Jimmy threw the cup of water at him, soaking his sweaty shirt.

"Oh I'm sorry." he said sarcastically.

Gavin sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "It's fine."

Jimmy meant it as a prank. But to his surprise, Gavin didn't mind. Instead, his green eyed criminal slowly grabbing the bottom of his t-shirt and gently lifted it, revealing his abs and muscles.

Jimmy blinked as he blushed.

"What's wrong, Jimmy?" Gavin smirked. "Getting hot?"

Jimmy stared at him. Gavin laughed and threw the shirt at him, before laying down and doing some push ups.

Jimmy walked over and sat on his back, smirking.

"Move your ass." he said, moving up and down, trying to count.

"Why don't you move it for me?" Jimmy whispered, leaning down.

Gavin gasped and shuddered.

He heard Jimmy laughing loudly behind him.

Gavin shrugged. He pushed up, then moved his other arm up, turning himself sideways.

Jimmy fell onto the carpet with a thud.

"You're so sweaty Gavin."

"No shit." He said, getting up and wiping himself off with a towel.

"I'm bored." Jimmy whined.

Gavin rolled his eyes. 

They had been in lock down for a few months now. That meant no murdered. No stealing. And no seeing anyone.

So Gavin was fine with it. But Jimmy. This morning Gavin caught him murdering a bottle of tomato ketchup just to see some red liquid.

He shuddered at the thought. That was their last bottle.


"Jimmy can't you just go shower or.. Clean? Maybe clean? Our apartment is a mess!"

Jimmy lifted his head and looked around. "No." he said, lowering it again.

Gavin rolled his eyes. He got down to do another round of push ups. Just as he got on his front, Jimmy slid under him, smirking.


"Maybe I want to be under you?"  Jimmy giggled, wrapping his arms around his shoulders.

"Jimmy you can help me work out if you want? Or you could work out with me?"

"Nah. I'm strong enough."

"Prove it?"

Gavin sat up and stood opposite him.

He barely had time to think before Jimmy pushed into him, forcing him to the floor. He gasped out and looked up at Jimmy.

"That.. Was.. More sur.. Prise.." He gasped.

"Yeah but you still look cute.."

Gavin rolled his eyes. He felt Jimmys hand on his cheek and nuzzles his hand.



"I love you."

Gavin smiled softly. "I love you too."

Jimmy giggled and leaned down, kissing him. Gavin gasped again, kissing back.

"Jimmy?" he asked, pulling back.

"Yes?" He breathed, moving back a bit and looking deep into Gavins eyes with his red ones.

"Am I.. Good?"

"You're good enough for me.." Jimmy answered, pulling him into a kiss again.

Gavin smiled and wrapped his arms around Jimmys shoulders as Jimmy deepened the kiss.

He felt Jimmys hands travel along his chest and smiled.

"Gavin.." he whispered.

"Yes, Jimmy?"

"Go shower. You stink."

With that, the small but strong murderer pushed him away and stood up.

Gavin groaned. "Right."

"If you're good, we can continue this later.."

Gavin blushed. He walked out and sighed.

Damn, he loved Jimmy. And he was so happy, Jimmy loved him too. He had definitely made the whole pandemic easier.


I wasn't sure how to end it.

But you are all doing well in this rough time.

I'm proud of all of you.

I will see you next time.

Bye my lovely bird people.


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