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His green eyes darted around for an exit.

He knew he'd be done for if he didn't make it.

He ran. One foot in front of the other. Repeating the same rythem.

His mouth was dry with the rapid intakes of air. His lungs were burning.

He couldn't do it.

But he would.

And he would prove them all wrong.

His red eyed boyfriend and lover layed beside him. He watched as his green eyed boyfriends chest rose and fell and rose and fell. It moved so quickly.

He sighed. This had been happening so much now.

Suddenly he sat up, panting loudly. He looked at Jimmy.



"What was that about? Last time I heard you breathing that loudly, we were-!"

"I was being chased.." Gavins eyes looked at Jimmy. "I was being chased by someone."

"You're 18 now, Gavin. Don't you think you should have grown out of nightmares by now?"

Gavin sighed. "I don't know."

"Come on. You have work tomorrow and I don't want you to be tired for it."

Gavin layed back down. "Right."

"So this is where we get the drinks from." The man pointed at the bar.

Gavin nodded, smiling as he looked around.

"This is so cool!" He smiled. "It's sort of like a behind the scenes sort of thing."

The man sighed and soon he left Gavin to do his own thing.

Gavin was just happy to have a job. His first job as a waiter for a local inn. The people there weren't so nice.

He still found himself getting bored. He preferred cleaning and setting the tables instead of actually talking and serving people.

And he was glad to get his uncle off his back about getting a job.

It was his second day there. He had been running in and out of the kitchen and setting the tables.

The man from before spoken to him. "Why are you cleaning that table?"

"Because they aren't here and their bags are gone." Gavin tilted his head.

"What did you do with the drink?"

"I gave it back to the bar.." he watched as the man sighed angrily.

"They are outside having a cigarette." he said.

"Oh! Oh! I'm sorry! I thought they had gone since none of their stuff was here and-!"

"I'll do this. Just go over there." The man pulled the cleaning rag and spray away from Gavin and walked off. Gavin sighed and looked down.

"Mistakes are made. It's only your second day." He muttered. "How was I meant to know that they were still here if they left nothing?"

He walked past the other waiters, who seemed to look very smug at how he had been spoken to.

"I'm older than you, fuckers. Respect me." He muttered.

It wasn't long before Gavins feet began to hurt from all the running around. He had tried his best to fit in with everyone. And he was now cleaning a table beside an open window.

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