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(This is for TommyisInsane9. Sorry it took so long.)

Gavins green eyes were filled with concern.

Jimmy hadn't been himself lately. He hadn't eaten. He hadn't spoken to anyone and he seemed to be isolating himself. Ghost had suggested that Jimmy just wanted to be alone.

But this had been happening for a week.

Gavin for one, was starting to get worried.

He walked round to the steps to see Jimmy sitting on them, sniffing. He was muttering.

Gavin bit his lip. If he approached then Jimmy would run. But he couldn't stay standing there.

He slowly walked over, watching Jimmy as if he was some bird he didn't want to scare off.

Jimmy's head suddenly sprung up. His red eyes clashed with Gavins green ones.

Gavin opened his mouth to speak. He saw Jimmy's features. His cheeks red, his eyes glassy, his mouth slightly open and tears coating his cheeks.


He suddenly stood up grabbed his bag.

And just like that, Jimmy had gone.

Gavin sighed. He ran a hand through his hair. He had to find a way to get to Jimmy. And talk to him.

A few days later, he saw Jimmy laying on the grass. He slowly walked over and dropped his bag. Before Jimmy could ge tip and run, Gavin found himself pinning Jimmy's arms above his head and looking down at him.

"Jimmy listen to me. Why are you avoiding us?"

Jimmy looked away. Tears were gathering in his red eyes.

"Go away."

Gavin shook his head. "No. Tell me."

Jimmy looked up at Gavins green eyes.

"Why does everyone hate me?"

Gavin raised an eyebrow.


"Don't say they don't! I know they do. Your brother is scared of me. Ghost doesn't seem to care and you. Even you had a go at me!"


"No you listen to me!"

Gavin fell silent.

"I'm tired of being hated. I want people to care. I'm a fucking class freak. I don't even-!"

"You need to fucking pay attention to my bloody words Casket."

"No you need to shut up and listen to me!"

Gavin growled. "People care Casket!"

"Like who?! Because I don't see anyone here fucking caring about me!"

"I fucking love you, you little shit!"

Jimmy didn't even process it. "I fucking love you too!"

"Then show me!"

"I would but you're pinning my hands above my fucking head!"

"Well I'm sorry but you would have ran off if I approached you!"

"Hell I fucking hate you sometimes!"

"Well I hate you more than I love you!"

"Why would you even fall for me?!" Jimmy yelled.

"Because you're cute and adorable in a scary way!"

Jimmy had enough. He rolled over and pinned Gavin to the grass.

"You're going to regret loving me."

Gavin smirked a bit. "Why?"

"You'll see."

Jimmy leaned down and kissed the other male roughly. Gavin gasped loudly.

His eyes went wide as he felt Jimmy's lips moving against his. He slowly kissed back, leaning up and deepening the kiss all he could. Jimmy suddenly bit down on his bottom lip. Gavin cries out, trying to pull away.

Jimmy's hands let go of his wrists and held his face, keeping him still. He giggled at the paste of blood before pulling away slowly.

They stares into each others eyes, panting loudly.

"Do you hate me?" Jimmy whispered.

"No.. I fucking love you.." Gavin whispered back, pulling him back down for another kiss.

The next day, Jimmy walked over to his locker. He pulled it open and gasped loudly.

It was littered with bits of paper. He reached out and picked one up.

'You're doing great'

He picked up another.

'Keep your head up.'

A smile slowly moved onto his face. He then felt someone wrap an arm around him.

"Hey Jimmy."

"Gavin look!" He held up the bit sof paper. "People care!"

Gavin smiled and kisses his head. "Jimmy darling, you are valued and I for one can never hate you. You're really important. And I want you to remember that."

A light blush appeared on Gavins face. Jimmy looked like a child on Christmas day, smiling brightly and happy.

And then, Gavin realized how much he loved Jimmy.

And Jimmy realized how important he was to people.

Again. I am sorry for the late update. College work was like everywhere and I haven't had much free time.. It sucks..

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this.

I am still working on the other requests so hang in there.

I will see you all next time.

Bye my lovely bird people.


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