Protect You

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Johnny Toast had been acting weird lately.

He hated going outside. He would go to bed early. He hated showering. And worst of all, he barely drank any tea.

Johnny Ghost would notice that his boyfriend would create a pattern. Though he'd been driving himself crazy with trying it figure it out.

It was a cold evening. Toast was looking up at the sky, his pale face lit with worry. He could nearly see it. His body twitched as he yanked the curtains shut.

"J-Johnny?" Ghost stood up.

"Hey Sir! Tea is ready for you in the kitchen, I'm not feeling too good. So I'm going to get going to bed." He said, hurriedly.

Before Ghost could say anything else, his partner had gone.

He sat down and watched TV, ignoring the sounds coming from the room.

Ghost woke to heavy breathing. He stood up.

"J-Johnny? Is that you?" He called, walking towards the rooms.

He heard a cry in pain coming from the room. His hand slowly reached for the door.

"S-Sir! P-Please-!" Toast gasped loudly. "D-Don't come.. In.."

"Johnny, whatever is going on, I want to know."

"St-Stay out!" He yelled, breathlessly.

Ghost flinched a bit. His partner had never yelled at him before. But he pressed on.

He pushed open the door to a dark room. There was a bundle of blankets on the bed and under them was Toast. He was curled up tightly.

He was also breathing quite heavily. His now black furry hand tugged at the bed sheets in pain. His blue eyes teared up. He hated this time. He couldn't stop himself.

"Johnny this is ridiculous. Stop sitting in the dark." Ghost opened the curtains. "The moon looks nice tonight. It's full."

Toast curled up more. "Ghost, close the curtains!" he yelled in a panicked tone. "Just close them, please!"

Ghost sighed and opened a window, shutting them. "At least get some air in here."

"Y-Yes.. Now go.."

"Why are you so desperate to see me leave? Are you hiding something under there?"


"Can I hold your hand?" Ghost asked softly.

Toast hesitated as his hand slowly made its way out of the blanket. Ghosts eyes widened.

Toasts hand was furry. There were quite a few strands of black fur on the back of his hand.

Ghost suddenly yanked off the blanket. His brown eyes widened.

Toast was covered in black fur. His white shirt and trousers splitting open. Tears in his blue eyes.

"I-I'm.. Sorry sir.." He muttered. "I-It.. Hurts.." he moved back.

Ghost stared at him. "Johnny, I don't love you any less."

"I-I'm going to loose control Ghost.. You need to leave.." Toast hugged himself, letting his own claws dig into his arms.

The wind outside flew through the window and blew the curtain back.

Toasts blue eyes caught site of the full moon. He howled loudly at it, and Ghost watched in horror as his once British boyfriend, turned into a werewolf.

He screamed.

Toast growled at him and took an affectionate snap towards him. Ghost jumped out the way in time. He sprinted towards the door and slammed it shut, breathing heavily.

He heard Toast growling and scratching it from the inside.

"I-I'll save you, Johnny!" Ghost teared up.

There was a sudden shatter, then silence.

Ghost slowly opened the door and looked in.

The room was empty. But the window was smashed. He'd escaped.

'Oh no..' Was Ghosts only thought.


I hope you enjoyed the one shot.

I will make a second part and in that second part you will see the point of this title.

But I hope you are all well.

And I will see you next time.

Bye my lovely bird people.


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