Dancing in the moonlight

75 4 7

(I'll get to this later)

A pair of blue eyes met a pair of brown eyes.

Johnny Toast couldn't believe what he was seeing. For years he'd been told he was beautiful, but nothing compared to what he was seeing now.

His partner, Johnny Ghost, was standing in front of him. He was wearing a black suit with a grey tie. The moonlight reflected off of him.

Step by step, he made his way over to his British boyfriend.

"H-Hey." He said, shyly.

Toast tried to find words. "You.. You're.. Beautiful.." He stammered, blushing a bit.

Ghost giggled at him. "I don't think so, but thank you anyway."

"Sir." Toast lifted his head gently. "I have seen many things. I have seen the sunrise and the sunset. I have seen flowers and rainbows. But nothing compares to the beauty you have." He placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Ghost teared up a bit and sniffed. "Thank you, Johnny." He blushed.

Toast looked up at the half moon and held his hand out. "May I have this dance?"

Ghost took his hand and smiled softly as he felt his partners hand move to his waist. He moved his own hand to the back of Toasts neck, gently playing with the loose strands of his soft black hair. His other hand gently squeezed his hand.

Their eyes met.

"Nice weather?" Toast said, following the rhythm of the music.

"You brits." Ghost smiled softly. "Always talking about the weather when it gets awkwardly quiet."

Toast smiled and twirled him around, then pulled him closer.

"It's a shame we can't do this on a full moon. At least then we wouldn't need the car to shine so we can see." Ghost sighed.

Toast laughed. "Would you want to be dancing with a furry wolf? I might get you and we don't want that."

"If it's you chasing me, I don't mind being caught." Ghost blushed.

They laughed a bit before falling silent.

"I love you." He said, looking into Ghosts brown eyes.

Ghost blushed darker. "J-Johnny! That's the first time one of us has ever said that!"

"It was bound to happen sooner or later." Toast blushed a bit. 

Ghost smiled softly. "Yeah. I guess. I love you too."

The two stopped dancing, just looking into each others eyes. Toast suddenly became aware at how fast he was breathing. His heart was pounding in his chest.

He didn't want to mess this up.

"Can I.." Ghost began. "Nevermind."

"N-No, no. It's okay. You were saying."

"Can I kiss you?" Ghost muttered, looking away. "I-I know it's sudden and we haven't before but I.. Nevermind. It's okay if you don't want to."

Toast gently tilted his head up, smiling softly. "I'd like that, Sir."

"How do we start?" Ghost laughed a bit awkwardly.

Toast gently tilted his head to the side and lifted it, leaning forward so they could feel their breaths against their lips.

"Then you just sort of-!"

He was cut off my Ghost softly pressing their lips together. He pulled back after a few seconds, blushing darkly and looking away.

"H-How was that?"

Toast smiled softly. "Good. Try like this though."

He pressed their lips together for a little longer this time.

Ghost slowly pulled away. "So more like this?"

He grabbed Toasts collar and pulled him forward, kissing him softly. Toast hummed in content and kissed back, moving his hands to Ghosts hips.

The kiss was addictive. It was like something ignited inside of Ghost. He pulled away, looking into Toasts blue eyes for a second, before going back in, rougher this time.

Toast blushed darkly as he kissed back. He let out a small cry of shock as Ghost backed him onto the hood of their car, pressing against him. His back slowly leaned on the hood. He slowly relaxed and began to kiss back again. As Ghost gently tugged at his hair, he moved his arms around the back of his partner, gently clawing as his blazer.

Toast took the bold step of gently biting Ghosts bottom lip, making him gasp. However, it wasn't long before Ghost tugged his hair roughly, pinning him to the cold metal under him. He gasped loudly as Ghost tilted his head up, deepening the kiss. Ghost slowly moved his other hand to Toasts cheek, holding his head in place.

They slowly came to a stop and pulled away a bit, breathing heavily.

"Y-You were.. Really holding back there, Sir." Toast whispered, blushed darkly.

"Sh-Shut up." Ghost blushed.

Toast smiled softly and leaned up, kissing him again. This kiss was softer.

They slowly pulled away again.

"Sir." Toast gasped. "I love you."

Ghost nodded. "I love you too." He smiled.

Ghost slowly leaned down, resting his head on Toasts chest.

"Your heart is racing, Johnny."

Toast blushed darkly, moving one arm around him and resting his hand on Ghosts fluffy brown hair. "Maybe because my beautiful darling just kissed me?"

Ghost blushed darkly. "Wait until later, Johnny. Then you'll see how fast I can make your heart go."

Toast blushed at the thought. "I like that idea Sir. However, let's just savour and enjoy this moment."

Ghost yawned a bit and nuzzled into his chest. "Yeah."

"I'm so lucky to have you as my boyfriend." He smiled softly.

Ghost smiled. "I was just thinking the same thing."

Toast sighed happily, looking up at the half moon. He was content. And so was his partner.

*looks down*

It's been a while I know. I'm sorry about that. I have work and it does get exhausting. Then I got covid.

If any of you are still here, hello and thank you so much for being patient. It really means a lot to still have your support.

I am aiming to get more one shots done. I actually had a list of them but I don't know where they went.

Anyway. You are all amazing people.

I hope you are staying safe and well.

And I will see you next time.

Bye my lovely bird people.


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