His Past Haunts Him

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A long breath of smoke trailed out of his mouth. His green eyes opened as he sat on the chair.

"Hey Gavin?"

"Yes?" He said, looking over at his red eyed boyfriend.

"Why are you a criminal?"

"Why are you a murderer?"

"I asked you first."

"I asked you second."

There was a moment of silence.

"I'll tell you. Take a seat."

Jimmy smirked at sat on his lap. "Is this seat good enough?"

"As long as you don't move." Gavin bit his lip and smirked a bit.

"Oh I can try not to."

Gavin rarely touched on his past. He reminisced a lot. Sometimes it was all he could think of. But he never spoke about it.

Jimmy kissed his cheek.

"You know my father died. We came to America." Gavin stated. "I was the eldest and so I had to be the 'man of the house' sort of thing. I spent about four or six years trying to find work. There weren't many jobs."

Jimmy nodded.

"And so I resorted to crime for it. I would steal anything to begin with. But I would respect people. I never learnt how to drive since my teacher was an asshole. But we got him back."

"Yeah. That was fun." Jimmy giggled, his eyes flicking a bright red for a second.

Gavin leaned back in the chair and lifted the cigarette to his lips. "I didn't want to do this you know? I was just clever enough to outwit the police and detectives." Gavin smiled a sad smile, breathing out a short breath of smoke. "I wanted to be a famous detective.. Funny how things turn out.."

Jimmy kissed his cheek. He knew it was hard for Gavin to talk about this.

"You're doing well.."

Gavin sniffed and shook his head. "I don't know what my father would make of me now.. I don't know what he'd say to me. I mean, Johnathan is a paranormal investigator. Jennifer is a police officer and I'm a criminal. Clearly I was least favoured."

"Gavin? What did I say to you the first time we got together?"

"I'm.. Handsome?"

Jimmy lifted his head, smiling softly at him. "I told you forget what they say. Don't compare yourself to other people. Life is hard. But focus on you."

Gavin nodded. "You say it like it's easy? I spent many years looking after my family. It was like I had replaced father and that's all I was to them."

Jimmy hugged him.

"Anyway, I wanted to be famous." Gavin rolled his green eyes. "I wanted power. I wanted a way for all this rage and hurt to stop. The only way I could do that was to act like this."



Jimmy smiled softly. "I think you're the best damn Criminal Prince ever."

Gavin ran his hand through Jimmy's brown hair. "Thank you."

"If you could bring your father back, would you?"

"No." Gavin teared up. "I wouldn't. It would hurt too much to let him go again."

Jimmy sighed.

"B-Besides, why would he want to see me? I'm a disgrace. I'm barely a Prince." Gavin put his head in his hands. "I-I have so much rage and hurt and I can't.. It.. I hate it.." his voice cracked as he spoke.

Jimmy gently put a hand on his shoulder. "It's okay." he spoke softly. "You were there for everyone else, but no one was there for you."

Gavin nodded a bit, keeping his face hidden. "I wanted to be famous. I wanted to feel loved for fucking once! The only way I could do that is if I became like this." he sniffed. "I just wanted to feel loved.."

He felt Jimmy straddle his hips and hug him tightly.

He broke. This criminal became stronger by crying more. He wrapped his arms around Jimmy and sobbed.

Jimmy whispered comforting words to him. His lips were beside Gavin ear.

Gavin held him tighter. "I want it to stop."

"We have to keep going. It's going to hurt Gavin. But you're a good person. You only go after bad people. Like Robin Hood."

"And look at what I do to them." Gavin moved back. "I beat them, I torture them. I-!"

"And they deserve it. You give to people what you never had. You help people like you were never helped. Look at how you were with those children on our last heist." Jimmy looked into his eyes, his own red ones showing how much he adored his boyfriend. His thumb gently stroked down his scar.  
"You are a good person.."

Gavin wiped his eyes and sniffed.

"And I love you for it."

"I love you too." he muttered, putting his cigarette out.

Jimmy kissed his neck softly. Gavin blushed and smiled a bit.

He felt Jimmy's hand tug on his belt. His blush darkened.

"J-Jimmy.. N-No.."

"I wasn't going to do that." Jimmy rolled his eyes. "You need love. And I will give you love. Take off these clothes and I will get you some comfy clothes."

Once Gavin had gotten changed, he sat down. Jimmy put some food on their stolen coffee table. He flicked on the TV and put a blanket around them. He moved his arm around Gavin shoulders and let his boyfriends head rest on his shoulder.

"I am the big spoon."

"Yeah yeah.. You keep telling yourself that.." Gavin yawned.


"A bit." Gavin nuzzled his neck.

"I've got you Gavin. I love you. And I will love you even when no one else does." he smiled softly. "I'll stay with you. I'll be here for you. I'm not much but I'm something."

"You aren't much, but you're all I need.."

Jimmy blushed. "I love you.."

Gavin nodded. All the crying took a lot out of him and his head hurt.

Jimmy pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"I love you too.." he muttered, hugging his boyfriend tightly. His green eyes closed and he slowly fell asleep.

"That's right.. I'll stay with you.. Even when no one else will. I will stand proudly by your side. Because I love you. Nothing will change how much I love you, Gavin."

Jimmy looked down and smiled at Gavins sleeping face. There was suddenly a muffled voice. Without looking, he threw the knife at them, the knife itself stuck into the wall 2 centimetres away from the man's head.

"Wake him and you will have more than your ear to pay!" Jimmy hissed at Gavins ex driving teacher. "You will be fun to play with when he wakes up. But I must say, what a lovely house you have. This rich place will suit me and Gavin nicely."

With that, Jimmy hugged his boyfriend tightly and continued watching TV.


I wanted some fluff. Sad Gavin and loving Jimmy is honestly adorable. I look forward to writing more of them.

Jimmy is a sweetheart.. When he wants to be..


I hope you enjoyed the one shot.

I will see you next time.

Bye my lovely bird people.


GhostxToast one shots twoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora