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"Please don't let it be 6 am yet.. Please.."

The British 21 year old heard the sound of movement. He dreaded work. And he wasn't quite ready to leave his bed yet.

He sighed as his alarm went off. Pushing himself up, he turned it off and tried to wake up. His muddy green eyes looked around the room for his phone. Once found, he clicked it on.

6:02 am

"Damn it." He muttered.

He got out of bed and made his way downstairs.

A small black cat ran up to him and meowed loudly at him.

"Morning my darling." He smiled, leaning down to pick the cat up. "How are you?"

The cat meowed again and jumped onto the floor.

"Morning mother." He smiled.

"Hey Gavin." She said, hugging him loosely. "Your tea is there."

After forcing himself to eat and drink his tea, he made his way back upstairs. He poked his nose in to his younger siblings rooms to make sure they were okay.

He then turned and went to his room, getting dressed.

It was one of his many days at work. He always got anxious for his full day there. The staff weren't great to him. They didn't talk to him for one. And by the way they treated him, you would have thought he was new but no, he'd been there for a few years now.

He sighed, putting on his shirt and jumper.

"It's going to be another long day." He sighed.

"That will be $12 please." He smiled through his mask, not that they could see it.

The lady handed over the money and took the tray of food. Gavin smiled softly as he watched her children laughing.

He looked around and his muddy green eyes stuck to a man. He was tall and in a waistcoat. He smiled softly at Gavin.

'Father? Is that you?' He thought to himself.

He watched as a two other people joined him. A young boy and a young lady.

'Oh. His children.'

He tried not to tear up as they hugged and laughed.

He missed his father.

Later on in the day, he noticed a cup of coffee that had been dropped on the floor.

"Hey, can I have the wet floor sign please?" He asked one of his co workers.

Another worker from across the room was cleaning up a table.

"Gavin, can you help with this please?" He called, putting things onto a tray.

Gavin made eye contact with him and gave him a '1 minute gesture'. He then smiled at the co worker who got him the wet floor sign.

"Gavin!" The man yelled loudly.

Gavin felt a sudden pulse of fear in his chest when he heard it. He looked over and put the sign on the floor.

"I will be with you in a second, there is a cup on the floor and I need to clean-!" Before he could finish, the man rolled his eyes and walked off.

"Fuck sake." He muttered. "Ass."

He had to prioritise different things. Though, this wasn't the first time the man snapped at him. He never understood why this person didn't like him much.

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