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(Gender bent Gavin and Jimmy.)

There was a small amount of blood drizzling down her nose. Her head hung low. Her shoulders leant back. Pain running through her body. Yet her green eyes held a glare of hate and fury.

"Are you broken yet?" the guy asked, twirling his knife. "I mean, your nose is pretty broken."

Gina leaned back in her chair, the tight ropes rubbing against her skin. She smirked. "If you're trying to break me.. You can't. I broke a long time ago."

The group of four people laughed.

She huffed, the water made her clothes stuck to her, which irritated her. It showed a small part of her flat chest and she despised everyone's eyes on her.

"Oh she's trying to be brave."

Gina rolled her eyes. "Oh fuck off."

He walked over and held the knife to her neck. "Keep talking like that and you will end up back in the water again."

He was so close she could smell his wine stained breath.

She coughed a bit and leaned back. "At least I won't have to look at your ugly face."

"You bitch!"

His fist stuck across her jaw. She cried out loudly. One of his many rings cut her lower cheek. The blood slowly trailed down her jaw. She teared up in pain.

Another one walked over to her and lifted her head up.

"You made her cry.." He smirked at her. "Maybe I can kiss it better?"

"Maybe you can fight me fairly. You know, without drugging me this time."

That's how this had happened.

She sat at the bar, sipping her usual coke.

She didn't trust herself to get drunk without her girlfriend. Tears gathered in her eyes.

Her ex girlfriend. Jamie Casket.

They had an argument. And here Gina was, an hour later.

A man approached her and sat beside her.

"Hey cutie."

"I'm a lesbian." Gina said in a defensive tone.

"I respect that. But I couldn't help but notice you were tearing up."

"Yeah. And?"

He smiled at her. "Cigarette?" 

She sighed. "No I have my own." she leaned down to grab one, before making her way outside to smoke it.

He followed her. "Got somewhere to go?"

Gina nodded. "It's not for you to know where." she muttered, breathing out some smoke. She had hoped to be alone to gather her thoughts.

She stepped on the cigarette and walked off.

"Asshole." she sighed.

An arm suddenly wrapped around her lower torso, trapping her arms to her side. She struggled around and screamed.

The guy smirked and pushed some macaroni into her mouth, covering it.

She gasped and coughed loudly, trying to spit it out.

He let go of her and watched as she leaned on the wall.

"Y-You fucker.." she muttered. She stood up and ran towards him, only for her vision to go blurry. She blinked a few times and felt a sharp pain in her ribs. He kicked her back. She slid down the wall, winded. The tried to force herself up but her body wasn't working.

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