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Toast smiled softly.

He wrapped the pride flag around his shoulders and walked out into the living room.

"How do I look, Sir?" he asked.

Ghost looked over to see a very rainbow version of his British boyfriend.

"I shouldn't have gotten you that flag." He said in a salty tone.

"Oh don't be like that, Sir." Toast walked over and sat beside him. "I look good, right?"

Ghost rolled his eyes. "Yeah yeah."

"Oh come on sir!" he stood up and pulled his boyfriend with him. "We are going to be late."

"For what?" Ghost groaned.

"It's Pride month!" Toast happily sang. "We need to go and celebrate."

Ghost looked at him. "But I-!"

"Go and get ready! They will be here soon!"

Ghost rolled his eyes and walked into his room.

Toast adjusted the rainbow flag and smiled. He looked at the readers and pulled out a ring.

"Keep it a surprise, hey?" he winked.

Ghost pulled on the shirt and smiled softly. He put on a few rainbow bracelets and walked over to the readers.

"How do I look? Should I wear the skirt or shorts?"

He shrugged and put them on. He then picked up a small box and looked at them again.

"Don't say a single thing about this." he said, glaring at them. He slowly put the box in his pocket and walked out.

"I'm ready Johnny!" He smiled. 

Toast blushed. "You look amazing, Sir!"

Ghost smiled and kissed his cheek. "You do too."

There was a pause, both deciding if now was a good time to do it.

Toast slowly got down on one knee.


He looked up at Ghost and took his hand.

"I've loved you for a while sir, and I don't see myself ever stopping. I-!"

"Wait, wait, Johnny. You can't do this!"

Toasts blue eyes began to water. "Wh-what?"

"Because I want to propose to you." Ghost took out the box knelt down in front of his boyfriend.

"Yes." Toast sniffed, wiping away his happy tears.

Ghost smiled and put the ring on his now fiance. Toast looked at it, before putting the ring on Ghost.

"We may as well be married now." Ghost smiled as they both stood up.

Toast sniffed, nodding. "Y-yeah."

Ghost smiled and lifted his fiancé's head up. He slowly leaned forward and kissed him.

Toast gasped a bit, blushing as he moved his hands through Ghosts hair, kissing back. He smiled and gently bit his lip, leading to a small gasp that allowed them to deepen the kiss.

They slowly pulled away and smiled at each other.

"Come on Sir.. Let's go to pride. We can celebrate our engagement later."

They walked to the door, where Spooker and Colon were waiting.

"You guys proposed?" Colon tilted his head.

"Aahh adopt me!" Spooker jumped on them both, smiling. "I'm so happy for you!"

Ghost winked at Toast and grabbed his hand. He walked out of the house proudly with his now future husband.


The gay.

Yeah, I went to pride last year and it was good. Though it was very very rainy.

Happy Pride Bird people.

I hope you enjoyed the one shot.

I will see you next time.

Bye my lovely bird people.


GhostxToast one shots twoWhere stories live. Discover now