Cuddles And Kisses

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The two sat on the sofa.

It had been a long case. And the two were glad to be home. They had just ordered pizza and were eating in while watching a film.

Spooker giggled as he watched the dog run away with the kite.

"It's so cute!" He smiled.

Colon watched him. He had barely been paying attention to the film, just focusing on how cute Spooker looked.

The light reflected off of Spookers pale skin. His green eyes seemed to shine. And there was a constant light blush on his cheeks.


Colon shook his head and smiled.


"You've been staring at me." Spooker looked to the side nervously. "Is there something on my face?"

Colon leaned forward. "Yeah.. A blush.."

Spookers eyes widened. His green eyes slowly moved to see Colons eyes before they shyly darted away.


"Don't be embarrassed spooky." Colon reached his hand out and lifted Spookers chin up.

There was a moment of silence. The only sound that could be heard came from the TV where the movie was playing in the background.

"Look at me. Your eyes are so beautiful.. Like a spring day."

Spookee slowly looked up at Colon, his blush increasing. "Y-yeah.."

Colon moved his thumb, stroking Spookers cheek. "Yeah."

"Y-you have a nice face." Spooker said suddenly.

Colon giggled a bit. "You're cute when you try to be romantic.."

Spooker smiled a bit. "Yeah but I don't think I'm good at it."

Colon smirked. "No. But I am."

"Can you teach me?"

"Sure. What do you want to learn?"

Spooker paused. "Whichever one results in me kissing you."

"Have you ever kissed anyone before?"

Spooker shook his head.

Colon sighed and smiled.

"B-But, I-I want you to be my first kiss. My first kiss with my first boyfriend."

Colon smiled softly. "I'm glad you trust me enough to kiss me."

Spooker nodded. "So how do we go from here. We've agreed to kiss."

Colon leaned forward. "Just close your eyes, Spooker." He moved Spookers hand to his shoulder while he moved the other one to the back of his head.

Spooker slowly closed his eyes and waited.

Spooker suddenly gasped as he felt Colons breath against his lips.


"Shh Spooker.. You can trust me.."

Spooker felt his cheeks heat up. His ears were burning by now.

Colon tilted Spookers head up to him. He slowly leaned closer until their lips pressed together.

Spookers eyes flew open as he gasped. He looked at Colon, who waited for Spooker to settle down a bit. Once he did, he felt his green eyes close.

Colon felt as Spooker relaxed. He then started to move his lips slowly against Spookers. Once Spooker got a rythem, he began to kiss back too, smiling as he pulled Colon closer. His hand gripped Colons shoulder as he felt his head be tilted up more.

A spark lit up inside of Spooker. A spark, not of fire and intense passion, but the spark of feeling warmth and love. He didn't want it to end.

They slowly pulled back, Spooker panting a bit.

"W-wow.." he muttered.

Colon smiled softly. "I love you Spooker."

Spooker cuddled back into Colons side and smiled. "I love you too Colon."

I wanted some fluffy things.. You know as I do haha..

Anyway, hey.

Sorry for the late updates.

I hope you're all doing well.

I hope you enjoyed the oneshot.

And it will see you next time.

Bye my lovely bird people.


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