Late Night Cuddles

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Toast gasped loudly, tugging the sheets. Sweat covered his face and his chest rose and fell rapidly.

He turned his head suddenly to the side, moving his legs. Almost like he was trying to run.

Ghost was laying beside him, wondering when the best time to interviene was. He wondered what his partner was dreaming about.

He didn't want to suddenly wake him and startle him more, but at the same time, he didn't want Toast to stay in this nightmare.

"F-Father! No!" Toast cried out, shaking his head. Tears began covering his cheeks as he nuzzled the pillow.

Ghost hovered his hand above his partners shoulder.

Toast suddenly screamed, causing Ghost to cry out and fall off the bed and onto the floor. The dull thud woke him up.


Ghost lifted his feet off the bed and poked his head up. "Hey Johnny."

"Wh-Why are you on the.. Floor?"

"Checking for ghosts?" He looked over, getting up. "I think I saw a cat here too."

Toast tilted his head. He watched as his partner threw a stuffed cat at him. He smiled softly, petting the cat and hugging it.

"It didn't sound like a good dream, Johnny." Ghost said, getting back into bed.

Toast flicked the light on. "N-No. It wasn't. I.."

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. I'm right here when you do though, Johnny. You aren't alone." Ghost nuzzled Toasts shoulder.

Toast looked down at the cat. "I-I.. I saw Father. I was talking to him. And.. He hugged me.. But.. He was about to say something.. Then knife flew past me and went into his chest. I-I tried to save him. I tried to help him." Tears gathered in his blue eyes.

Ghost kissed his cheek softly. "It's okay.. I'm here.."

"I.. I didn't want to lose him again, Sir."

Ghost hugged him tightly. "I know.. It sounds hard, Johnny."

The older British man wrapped his arms around Ghost, pulling him onto his lap. He cried softly into his chest while Ghost ran his hand through his hair, gently running his hand through his hair. He felt his partner sob and the tears soaking through his t shirt.

"You're okay. It's okay. It was just a dream, Johnny." He spoke softly, pressing a gentle kiss to his head. He coughed a bit as he tasted the hairspray in Toasts hair. "I've got you.."

Toast pulled back a bit, looking up at him. "I-I'm sorry, Sir.."

Ghost looked down at him, his tongue sticking out slightly from the taste of the hairspray. "Mh? Mno, mno, Johmnny. Domn't be thorry for crying."

Toast giggled a bit at how Ghost sounded. He nuzzled his chest.

"I love you Sir."

"I love you too, Johmnny."

Toast leaned up and pressed a kiss to Ghosts lips. Ghost gasped a bit, kissing back softly. He lifted his hand to his partners cheek and wiped away his tears with his thumb.

Toast pulled back softly and moved down, laying back. Ghost looked down at him, still straddling his hips. He gently leaned down and lifted the duvet over both of them, cuddling into his chest. Toast pressed a soft kiss to Ghosts head and nuzzled his hair.

After a few moments of silence, he stuck his tongue out.

"Yeah. Maybe you were right. I shouldn't use as much hair spray."

Ghost giggled and nuzzled his chest. "Now you can smell and taste it."

Toast smiled softly. "The best of both worlds.." He nuzzled Ghosts soft brown hair. "Like you.. You're the best thing in the world, Sir. I love you."

Ghost smiled as he felt his partners breath even out, sleeping. "I love you too." He nuzzled his neck and held his hand, falling into his own sleep.


I hope you're all doing well. Get some water and treat yourself to your favourite foods, you deserve it.

I will see you next time.

Bye my lovely bird people.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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