Little One

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Gavin despised it.

He didn't mind beating people up. He didn't mind threatening them when they got in his way.

But he hated it when there were innocent people.

And he hated it even more when there were little children involved.

Jimmy had witnessed many times how Gavin would get ready to attack someone, but when he saw them with the child, he couldn't.

He had also seen how gentle he was. People often laughed at him and how soft he was. He would always strike them across the face and mutter "Was that punch soft?"

This man, who was the Criminal Prince, feared by most other criminals, could be so so gentle.

Jimmy witnessed it more than once.

In this particular event, they were robbing a shop and stealing the money. Jimmy has successfully tied up all eight hostages. Two of which were kids.

While Gavin shoved the notes and money in the bag, Jimmy was left to his own games.

"If you get this one wrong, you get a cut. If you get it right, I will take off one of the ropes."

Gavin rolled his green eyes. He remembered Jimmy loves to play this game with them. He would be a fair man in terms of games.

And Gavin had told him strictly to keep away from the children. But Jimmy being Jimmy.. He didn't..

"You!" He pointed the knife at a ten year old boy. "Are you going to tell the police?"

The boy hesitated. He looked at his grandmother, who was pale in the face. Tears filled the young boys eyes. He stuttered.


"Hurry up!" Jimmy snapped.

The boy cried out and sniffed.


Jimmy smirked. "Correct."

Gavin dropped the bag in front of him.

"Give the kids a break, Jimmy." He glared.

Jimmy laughed. "I'm just having some fun with them."

"Your fun isn't fun for them." Gavin sighed.

He took the children's arms and walked them over to the toy section.

"Pick out the one you like the most. Keep it under 10 dollars." He muttered.

The nodded and within four minutes, the had the chosen toys. The girl looked up at the top shelf. She tried to move her arms up and reach it. Gavin smiled softly at her and gently lifted her up, watching her grab the toy.

Gavin put some money down on the counter and sighed.

"Jimmy, we have the money, let's go."

"What about that money?"

"It is to pay for the children toys." Gavin blushed a bit.

Jimmy smirked. He threw a knife at the young girl, laughing as it hit a few centimetres away from her head. She screamed loudly and started crying.

Gavin glared and rolled up a newspaper. He lifted it above Jimmy's head, hitting him in syllables.

"Stop!" hit. "Scaring." hit. "The." hit. "Hos-!" hit. "ag-!" hit. "es." hit. "You." hit. "Little." hit. "Shit." hit.

Jimmy snatched the newspaper and bit into it. He chewed the paper and swallowed.

"That isn't the only thing I can swallow." he winked.

Gavin blushed darkly. "I keep trying to tell you not to swallow the fucking teabags but you never listen!"

"It is how you make tea!"

"You don't make tea by fucking swallowing the teabag then drinking the hot water, milk and sugar!"

There was suddenly the sound of giggling. Gavin looked over to see the girl and boy giggling. The girl was hugging the pink fairy he had gotten for her and the boy was playing with the toy car.

The doors suddenly burst open. Police officers ran in with their guns aimed.

"Hands up! Now!" They yelled.

Gavin cried out as officers jumped on him.

"Fuck!" he yelled as the gun flew out of his hands.

They pinned his arms behind his back and pulls him up. He glared at them.

"Fuck you." he glared. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Jimmy swinging on one of the shop lights. Officers were trying to grab it and pull him down.

"How did he get up there?" an officer muttered.

"Fuck knows." Gavin said, watching his boyfriend swinging.

Jimmy smirked. "And now for a double flip!"

They watched as Jimmy swung and let go. He gracefully moved through the air and landed a not so graceful landing.

He belly flopped on the floor.

Gavin burst out laughing.

"Shut up, Gavin you little shit."

"No Jimmy. You are the little shit."

"Are you the big shit then?"

"Yes." Gavin paused, thinking. "Wait, fuck, no. I am the shit."

"No you're arrested." the officer beside him smirked.

"Who said you're a part of this?" Gavin glared.

The officers freed the hostages and Gavin was pushed into he back of a police van.

It was when Gavin was being pushed into the police van that the children from before ran out.

The little girl ran up to him and kissed his cheek and the little boy hugged him, thanking him for the toys.

Jimmy smirked as the doors were shut.

"You look good in those handcuffs."

Gavin blushed. "If you're lucky, then I'll keep them on."

Once the chaos had died down, one of the shop keepers walked up to the counter. She looked at the officer and then at the money.

"This is the exact amount that those two toys costed." She smiled softly.

"What are you saying?" the officer asked.

"The Criminal Prince brought the children a toy each."


I hope you're well.

I have a question.

Would you like to do to some one shots on what they got up to in quarantine? Or what I think they got up to during lockdown?

But let me know.

Anyway. I will see you next time.

Bye my lovely bird people.


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