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(This song is called 'Kids' and is it is by MGMT. It is one of my favourite because it has a good rhythm. Yes this is a song fic)

After a few painful hours, the captain was happy to see his wife. He walked into the bedroom and sat down beside his darling wife. She smiled tiredly at him. She lifted her sweaty hand up to him and leaned back on the pillows behind her. He gently took her hand.

"You did well, my darling." he kissed her head and ran a hand through her hair. "I'm so proud of you."

She took his hand. "Thank.. You.." she said breathlessly. It hurt to talk from all the screaming she has done minutes earlier.

He looked over at the clock.

4:06 am

"Four hours.." he smiled at her.

One of the nurses walked over. In her arms, she held a small baby. A tiny little human, covered in nothing but blankets. She handed the baby to the princess and smiled, putting a blanket on her.

The captain looked down at his wife and his child. He slowly pulled down the blankets and looked over the tiny being.

Two little eyes, scrunched up. A tiny nose. And a small mouth. A tiny bit of black hair could be seen on the baby's head.

"What is it?" she asked the doctor.

He smiled and stood at the end of their bed. "It's a boy. A little baby boy. He is healthy. And he is well."

The captain felt tears gather in his eyes. His wife lifted up the bundle of blankets to him and he slowly wrapped his arms around them. He sniffed, looking down at his son. The baby opened his tiny eyes and looked around a bit, before they closed again.

He couldn't be happier.

"What do we name him?" she asked, holding his shoulder.

He looked down at his son again.

And one name came to mind.

"Gavin.." he smiled. "His name is Gavin.."

The wife smiled and kissed her husbands cheek.

"Welcome to the world, Prince Gavin." he smiled and leaned down, kissing his small and warm head.

You were a child
Crawling on your knees towards it

He was now one year and a half old.

The captain was crouched down on his knees, opening his arms and smiling.

"Come on Gavin. Come on. You can do it."

Gavin slowly pushed himself onto his feet, wobbling a bit. His small arms stuck out to his side and he took one step, then another, walking towards his father.

"That's it Gavin!" he smiled.

Gavin reached out, his small had brushing his father's fingers. He suddenly fell on his knees. He giggled and crawled the rest of the way. The captain laughed, picking up his son and hugging him tightly.

"Nearly." he kissed his sons cheek.

Making mother so proud
But your voice is too loud

Captain Toast woke up to the sound of crying. He rolled over and looked at the time.

2:04 am

He looked back at his wife, who was sleeping beside him. He decided to let her sleep.

Lifting himself out of bed, he slowly walked out of the room and across to Gavins room. A few maids were there, confused at what to do.

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