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"We have another case. Get up!"

Toast sighed as he pushed himself up from his comfy position on the sofa.

Ghost crossed his arms. "This is our first case in months, Johnny."

"I-I know Sir. I just feel a bit tired." Toast muttered, picking up the bag of equipment and grabbing the keys.

"Can I drive?" Ghost held out his hands.

Toast looked at him. "Can you drive?"

"Legally no."

"I'll drive." Toast walked out, watching Ghost shut the door behind them.

They had been driving a while now. At least over two hours. Toast looked over at Ghost and blushed a bit.

"Hey Sir?"

"Johnny?" Ghost looked over at him.

"I have a bad feeling about this."

"You have a bad feeling about all these cases."

Toast flinched a bit. "Y-Yeah but-!"

"It's that house.." Ghost pointed out.

Toast sighed and got out.

"Where do we start Sir?"

For some unknown reason, Ghost wanted to split up. Toast reluctantly agreed.

"Johnny? Have you found anything?"

Toast jumped at the sudden voice. He pressed his headphone and sighed.

"Nothing yet, Sir." He muttered, shining his light across the room. "It's so dark."

"I keep finding blood stains. But they lead to nothing."

Toast hummed in response. He moved his light across the room, examining the walls closely.

A small bit of wood stuck out.

He slowly and carefully curled his fingers around it, holding the light in between his teeth with his other hand hovering above his gun.

He yanked back the wood and looked around.

"H-Hello?" He called.


"Sir, I found something. A hidden passage behind a wall. I'm going go walk in and take a look around."

"Be careful Johnny. I.."

Toast paused. "You what?"

Ghost hesitated. "Nevermind."

Toast shook it off and slowly walked in.

After a few minutes, he heard chattering. He couldn't see who they were though.

"There are two. They both sound different."

"That's their accents." Said one.

"What do we do?" Asked a different one.

Toast hid behind a small bed. He moved his light down as to not give his position away, and listened as closely as he could.

"One of them looks like Jimmy Casket."

"Oh I miss him! Maybe we could torture him to he can talk to us!"

Toasts blue eyes widened.

"They mean Sir?" He muttered quietly.

GhostxToast one shots twoWhere stories live. Discover now