Dare Wax

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(Based on a true.. Incident..)


"You have to.. It's a dare.."

Gavin sighed and got out the car with Jimmy. He walked into the clinic.

"It was time for Thomas to leave.. He had seen everything.." He muttered.

The ladies in there gave him a strange look.

"What? Never seen a man in a beauty clinic before?" he glared.

Jimmy hit his arm.

One of the ladies walked forward. "If you would like to follow me."

Gavin walked in and looked around.

Calming music. A bed. A towel. A chair. His muddy green eyes scanned the room and the bottles of make up.

He leaned down to Jimmy. "We could steal these and get money?"

Jimmy whispered back. "Stop trying to get out of it.."

Within a few minutes, Gavin was laying on his back under the towel in nothing but his boxers.

"Jimmy don't do this.."

Jimmy giggled. "It won't be that bad.."

The lady walked back in and shut the door, smiling.

"What brings you here?" she asked.

Gavin glared at Jimmy, who was sitting in the chair. "A dare."

She smiled. "You're lucky. Most guys find it is very painful to have the chest area done. However, you don't have chest hair."

Gavin blushed. He never liked not having chest hair. But at the same time, he enjoyed it.

She moved his leg a bit and put some hot wax running down from his knee to ankle.

"This doesn't feel so bad." He breathed a sigh of relief.

"Going anywhere nice this weekend?"

"Not that I know of."

She slowly placed the paper onto the warm wax and pressed down a bit.

"No? It should be sunny."

"Really.. It would be nice-! AH! FUCK!" he yelled, grabbing the towel tightly.

Jimmy burst out laughing at him.

The lady whimpered a bit. "I'm sorry. I had to rip it off.. It's how you wax."

Gavin glared at her. "Don't do that again."

"I have to." She smiled a bit and pulled the other paper off.

"AH! SHIT!" He cried out again.

Jimmy was curled up on the seat, laughing.

"Oh fuck off CasKET!"

The lady giggled a bit. "Please try to relax the leg muscle.. It will make it less painful for you.."

He glared at her and tried to relax. He flinched more as the hot wax was ripped off his leg. His hands gripped the towel tightly.

It hurt more than he had expected.

Once she was done with the painful waxing, she applied some cool gel on his leg to cool the pain.

Gavin leaned his head back, sighing in relief as he closed his eyes.

"That fucking hurt.." He muttered.

The lady smiled at him. "Now for the other one."

"Wait wh-AH!"

By the end, Jimmy was curled up in his hair laughing.

The lady then moved up to him. "Lift your arm up." She said.

Gavin blinked. "No."

She sighed. "Come on. I need to wax your under arms now."

Gavin shrieked. "No!"

Jimmy laughed and walked over. "Want me to help?"

"Can security get him out?" Gavin asked her. "I don't trust that smile."

Jimmy giggled at him. "Oh poor guy.." he said patronisingly. He smirked more and pinned his arms above his head.

"Jimmy." Gavin glared up at him. "Don't you dare."

"Don't I dare what? Kiss my boyfriend?"

He leaned down and kissed him softly. Gavin immediately gave in and kissed back softly, not noticing how the lady had out the wax on his underarm. She slowly put the paper on.

Jimmy gently bit Gavins lip and deepened the kiss.

"Jimmy.." He breathed, still kissing him.


"I love you-! Ah! You fucker, Jimmy!"

The lady had ripped the paper off, pulling the hairs with it.

After a few more agonising minutes and a load of swear words, Gavin was finally done.

Gavin sat up and a hand down his leg.

"Jimmy look.. It's so soft.."

Jimmy giggled and leaned down, kissing his shin. "So it is.."

Gavin blushed and looked away. "Jimmy.. Not here.."

"But you were so brave.." Jimmy giggled, sitting on Gavins lap. He hand his hand down Gavins shoulder and smirked at him.

"I mean it Jimmy.. Later.."

Jimmy pouted. "Fine.. But you aren't leaving without a kiss.."

Gavin glared at him before Jimmy leaned forward, kissing him. He smiled and kissed back, tugging on Jimmy's hair.

They pulled back, breathing heavily.

"Do I get another reward?" Gavin smirked.

Jimmy giggled. "Yeah.. Let's steal this stuff.."

Gavin kissed his cheek. "You know me so well.."

Okay so.

I hope you're all well..

I don't know what is going on this artical 13 at the moment..

I'm hearing mixed things..

I hope you enjoyed this one shot.

Anyway, I will see you next one shot.

Bye my lovely bird people.


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