My mouth moved on its own. Nonetheless, I didn't even bother to change my mind.

Because I, myself, was bugged of the reason why time mysteriously rewound and kept me alive. Based from what he uttered just now, it looks like he knew something concerning the matter. I couldn't just let go of this opportunity, in order to learn answers for the questions that burdened me ever since I went back in time.

"This will probably take us a while, so can the two of you wait at the resting room?", proposed, the Head Priest to both Aiden and Duchess Fleurette.

At first, they stared at the Priest with doubtful eyes. But in no time, they agreed to his suggestion.

From then, we parted ways as I followed the Priest's tracks from behind. Not long after, we arrived at a room where we could discuss things by ourselves carefully.

Of course, there was no one else except us in that room. It had thick walls surrounding it as if it was specifically made for those that wished to discuss private matters without letting anyone eavesdrop in their conversation.

After entering the place, the Priest gently closed the door and said,

"Now, we can speak as freely as we want."

Normally, a woman would feel uneasy once they're trapped in a completely sealed room like this with a man. Frankly, I feel the same too right now.

I couldn't trust the Priest that yet for he might've just been a scam or a dangerous person that simply wanted to lure me in his trap. Although he was a person that served God, that wasn't enough to prove that he wasn't actually a bad person.

Good thing I also learned some techniques that I could use with my hands and legs, from Mentor. I thought, in preparation for the moment that the opponent would make a move.

"Well, please take a seat first.", he offered.

We sat on different sofas and faced each other from a distance that's made by the square-shaped, white table between.

Then, we finally began our talk.

"I believe it would be better if I introduce myself first.", he said then gave me a proper introduction of himself.

"I am Jeremiah Atlas de Clemente. As you have heard, I am the Head Priest governing this temple."

No wonder... He's from house De Clemente.

People from the religious household, De Clemente, are known as those that can perceive God's message. They are also rumored as aristocrats that can stand equally with the Imperial Family because of that.

Of course, there was once an issue years before in which war might break out between these two Families. However, the Emperor before didn't wish to make an enemy with the Holy Temple whose God was the Great One he put his faith on. As such, a peace treaty was forged between these two and that concluded the matter in question.

"I have heard that women often succeeded the position you're in, though..."

"About that, has the lady ever heard of a person named 'Evangeline Cia de Clemente'?"

When I heard the name that the Priest mentioned, I immediately recalled who that person was.

Isn't that...!?

"Duke Shevaria's secret lover..."

(Note: For those that forgot, please reread Chapter 11 XD)


"I am that person's younger brother.", he added.

As the Priest murmured that phrase, he smiled in a somewhat ironical manner. Afterwards, he changed the subject randomly, for some reason.

"How was your life with your mother?", he questioned.

"......? If it's about Duchess Fleurette-"

"That's not it.", he abruptly interrupted my sentence and continued.

"I am talking about your mother before you were adopted."

I was shocked hearing his statement. For him to ask about such thing, I couldn't see that coming. However, at the same time, I was mystified.

Why would he ask something unrelated to what we were supposed to talk about?

With that in mind, I decided to answer his question for now.

"Well, it was rather enjoyable.", I replied with genuine emotions while I shifted my gaze downwards.

"That's good to hear."

The Priest certainly smiled as he told me those words. But strangely-

There was a portion of sadness mixed in his demeanor.

From the expression he showed me, I came up with a particular guess.

A shocking yet grief-afflicting hypothesis.

Evangeline was the daughter of Marquis De Clemente, who was stripped off her title for breaking the rules of the Temple and was banished, leaving a child in Duke Shevaria's hands.

Banishment... And my identical features.....

These hints led me to one theory.

Don't tell me.....!

After having such thoughts, my mouth moved on its own before I could notice it myself.

"Am I-"

"Lady Evangeline's child...?"

I Promise, I'll Leave! But, With No Regrets!!Where stories live. Discover now