A Waltz of Romance

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"This is the life." Izuku thinks to himself, Ochako is lying against him on the couch in the common space. Eri is laying on the floor a few feet away with her legs underneath the table blanket combo in the center in the common room. Aoi is curled up on Eri's belly and is purring loudly as he rises and falls with Eri's breathing. It is nice to get to enjoy moments like this, Bakugou was training by himself, Shouto is telling the tale of the fishing trip, Kaminari and Kirishima are playing video games. Most of the other students are talking nonsense with each other, on their phones or watching Satou work culinary magic in the kitchen. Ochako has herself draped on Izuku with her arms lying by his sides. She moves her head nuzzling it into her boyfriend's shoulder to get more comfortable leaning against his muscular body. An idea manifests itself in her mind before she looks up to Izuku with her large butterscotch eyes gazing up and the holder of All for One and One for All.

"Izuku?" She asks getting his attention away from the episode of Pokemon playing on the television. "Do you want to go out today? We haven't been on a real date yet and I'd like to go out today since it's saturday and all." She says, Izuku pulls his arm up from under her and pinches his chin in thought.

"It's mid August so it should be the perfect time to go to the beach. Do you want it to be just us or are we going to bring Eri along?" Izuku responds, putting his arm back down on Ochako's lower back. "Eri likes both Mirio and Mr Aizawa and I'm sure Mirio wouldn't mind looking after her for a little bit."

"Just us Izuku, I want to go to Dagobah since it was cleaned. I haven't had a chance to go since I was a little girl. I'm gonna go ask Mr Aizawa if we can go to the beach today." She says happily before sitting up from her spot on top of Izuku. She slides off the couch before pulling out her phone and dialing Mr Aizawa's number.

"There's some street food vendors near the beach where we can get lunch." He mutters before standing up and stretching with his hands over his head. His shirt raises up slightly to expose some of his abs causing Ochako and Mina to have blood spurt from their noses. Ochako covers her face before running off to go clean up but Mina just stares at Izuku. "Snowangel." Izuku says getting Eri's attention. The young girl turns over and looks up at her father with wide innocent eyes.

"Yes Daddy?" She responds rising Aoi from his sleep, the kitten trills before stretching and yawning.

"You remember Mirio? Le Million?" Izuku asks, causing the little girl to look up towards the ceiling moving her eyes around as if looking for something.

"Yeah he's got yellow hair." She responds getting Momo and Izuku to stifle a laugh at her answer.

"Yes he has yellow hair, he was the other hero that helped save you. Do you want to spend time with him today?" Izuku asks picking up Eri and supporting her weight with his hip.

"Hmmmm... Yeah!" She exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air. Aoi sinks his claws into Deku's pant leg and climbs up his leg before returning to his spot draped on the girl's shoulder like a dish towel.

"Alright, I'm going to make you some snacks and something to drink before we go over there. Mommy and I are going on a date today and you get to have fun with Mirio, Nejire and Tamaki today." Izuku explains getting her to celebrate once more as he walks off towards the kitchen to make her a snack.

After dropping Eri off with Mirio and Nejire, Izuku tells Eri: "If you get scared just tell Mirio and I will get there as fast as I can." the young girl nods in acknowledgement as Nejire adjusts the way she is holding her. Izuku waves goodbye to Eri before he and Ochako start heading towards the gates of UA. Izuku warping their things into his storage quirk as they're just about to walk through the gates. Ochako hugs Izuku's arm into her chest as they walk, she is wearing one of his shirts which caused Mina to tease her quite a bit about it. Their walk was enjoyable as the two window shopping along the way. Stores with jewelry, clothes, nicknacks, toys, souvenirs and all sorts of hero merchandise litter the side of the street with the merch stores catching Izuku's attention. The hot day in mid August caused the two to start sweating not long after starting their walk. It was only 10 minutes from UA to the train station and from there a further 20 more from UA to Dagobah. The two lean into each other as they watch the trees roll by on the landscape through the windows of the train. It soon comes to a stop at the station a few blocks from the beach.

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