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With alarms blaring wildly across the campus, Bakugou books it back to the observation room where the rest of the class are. With the incident with Deku leaving him unconscious for the time being, it's up to him to take control of the situation. Bursting through the door, he's greeted by the business end of an Ak-47 courtesy of Momo who puts it down after realizing it's him. Immediately upon seeing Izuku still out on his back, the class gathers about to try to figure out what the hell just happened.

"We don't have much time, Ponytail make a smelling salt to wake this idiot up and if he doesn't wake up, slap him until he does." Katsuki orders prompting Momo to create the small white packet. Bakugou shakes it a few times before snapping it in half under Izuku's nose but this accomplishes nothing. "Fuck. He's gonna be out for a while, just what the hell did you extras do anyway?"

"We didn't do anything, in fact we couldn't even get close to him, he suddenly grabbed his head in pain scratching himself violently before putting his hands on the ground and the whole place started turning to dust." Shoji explains as Katsuki drops Deku onto a chair beside Ochako and Eri.

"Fuck it we'll figure this out later. All Might, stay here with Aizawa and the rest of my class to protect ShigDeku or whatever the fuck he is now. Nana, Endeavor, Half n Half, Sparks and the rest of you pros come with me. We need to find and kill the shitbag that got on campus."

"Who put you in charge exactly?" Miruko asks, putting a hand on her hip and scowling at Katsuki.

"Listen here, Conny haunches." Katsuki says pointing at Miruko and scowling harder than she is at him. "I'm the only conscious All for One user right now so we can argue about this shit later after we deal with the villain and whatever other freakbags that came along for this invasion." Miruko returns the glare for a moment before smirking.

"I like your style, kid, let's go kick some ass." Miruko responds before Katsuki and the others sprint out the door.

"Yaoyorozu, can you create a new door and a fortification for it and the wall?" Aizawa says in his monotone yet calm voice. "Create some ear protection for everyone and a blindfold for Eri. She doesn't need to see this."

With a nod to Aizawa, All Might leaves the room and stands guard outside of the door. The much younger, healed and vastly more powerful former number 1 pro hero stretches briefly before rolling his shoulders and flexing his muscles. Feeling the familiar power of One for All course through him like a raging inferno, vastly different to the lukewarm embers that he had tended to for so long. With the fire that had been started by Endeavor and Shouto off in the distance, All Might steps into a boxer's stance and cocks his arm backwards. With a turn of his hip he extends his arm putting his full power behind that punch and the largest shockwave he had produced in over 20 years is ejected from his fist thanks to the power he was granted by Nana all those years ago. The wall of air flies at the speed of sound smothering the inferno thanks to the dust kicked up by the single punch. Watching as the fires now smolder out due to the choking dust and debris he had sent towards it, Toshinori clenches his fist recognizing that his power feels equivalent to, if not greater than what he had in his hay day. Looking up from his hand for a moment he sees something off in the distance. Slightly shrouded by the smoke, a human male stares right at All Might, his four arms are adorn with serrated claws dripping in blood. From this distance All Might couldn't tell if it was the man's own blood or of someone else. Rolling his neck and then shoulder All Might takes a few steps forwards issuing a challenge to Overhaul.

"Only a fool would take in the spawn of his nemesis and indoctrinate him to become his successor. How long before the boy succumbs to his own sickness, his lust for power will be his undoing." The guttural growling voice of Overhaul echoes from within the smoke. "I know not why the world idolizes you, you're just a fool prancing about pretending to be a hero. You were once cleansed of any of these disgusting quirks. A pure human, but you gave that away... for what?"

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