What Was Once Stolen, Now Returned.

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Several weeks had passed in the time of Izuku's procedure. Dr Garaki had made sure that his newest project was taken care of and had never so much as had a change in his heart rhythm through the entire surgery. Then interesting thing that Garaki wasn't expecting was for Izuku's body to adapt as fast as it did. His body's muscle mass had adapted quite quickly in bulking up to accept the new quirk. He hypothesized that he would also be able to use more of One for All but to what degree he didn't know. The black liquid with a red tinge to the outside had been slowly leaking through an IV into Izuku's bacta tank these past few weeks and it would be mere hours for the process to be completed. The worrying thing however was Izuku's brainwave data, it was as if he was still conscious at some points and the mad doctor even swore he saw Izuku move his eyes a few times. He chalked it up to the boy sleepwalking in the tank and the data from the brain scans mirrored that theory.

"Well it seems Sensei Jr is almost ready to be awoken don't you think?" Garaki says turning to face the tank with a now awoken Nine staring back at him.

"Indeed it is. I am to assume that I am the contingency in case he loses control over the power?" Nine asks as he exhales and a few bubbles flow up from the bottom of the tank.

"Right you are Nine, if he loses control you are to incapacitate him, you can't take either of his quirks in your state but you should be strong enough to knock him out. Problem is, I can't risk any of the Noumu here to restrain him, he would just take their quirks but since the two of you possess All for One he shouldnt, in theory, be able to take yours." Garaki explains as one of the last drops drip into the tank.

"He's been making facial expressions for a while now, like he's experiencing fear or dread. He thinks we're going to attack him when this is over." Nine says through the microphone.

"He is now strongest, he challenge, enough for us." Hood says looking at Izuku through the purple glowing liquid.

"He's more than a match for you hood, the question is how much power he truly wields now. He's going to wake soon and then I need to start the process Sensei used to twist young Shigaraki into the villain he is."


"Not now, i'm planning." Garaki replies as the last drop is entered into the tank.

"Master, You need see."

"Hood I told you I'm busy." Garaki replies, getting the necessary tools for the next bit of the experiment.

"He's trying to tell you Yamikumo is awake. Dr Garaki and he looks pissed." Nine replies causing the doctor to turn and face Izuku who is glaring at him through the glass. His left eye has changed to be completely black in the sclera and his once beautiful green iris is now as red as blood.

"Oh! Splendid you're awake. Now we have to go through some tests to see if you still can walk and even use the quirk. I'm going to start draining the tank sit tight for a moment." Garaki says pressing the drain button on the tank. Garaki ignores the ireful look in Izuku's eyes as he goes through the next step.

"How feel? Young sensei?" Hood asks after the tank drains and the chair restraints and mask are released from Izuku's face.

"S-strange." Izuku says moving his hair out of his eyes so he can look around.

"That's a normal occurrence young one, now once you're out of the tank we are going to perform some tests to see if you need to relearn some of your gross motor skills. Hood will help you out of the tank. You may struggle with walking so be careful." Garaki says as the door behind Izuku opens and Hood maneuvers his hands to an amorphous form to help Izuku out of the pod.

At first Izuku's legs were a bit weak but after a few moments of getting the blood flowing again his balance came back to him. The next couple of hours were spent working on his muscles to see if there was any loss in movement. Garaki had him lift objects, write his name a few times and pick up and place objects in specific spots to retrain his fingers and body. With the last of the gross motor skills tests out of the way Garaki leads Izuku to a tank with a failed Noumu inside it.

"Take its quirks." is all Garaki says motioning for Izuku to take the quirks from the Noumu.

"Here goes nothing." Izuku thinks to himself drawing on the new power that he has been feeling. When he draws upon All for One his veins on his right arm bulge as the power flows through it. His fingers turn a charcoal black with veins arcing with power. As this power activates Izuku has to harness all his concentration to keep from losing control. He touches the flesh of the Noumu feeling the three quirks it held be torn from the corpse and flow into izuku's body. As the quirks enter his body his brain processes what these quirks do, one being a mid tier regenerative quirk, an emitter laser quirk and a strength enhancer. As he learns of these new quirks he feels a sudden overwhelming sense of pure hunger. An unnatural grin creeps onto Izukus face as his left eye starts to glow that eerie deep red.

"Seems you like the taste of quirks don't you, try using the new one on hood over here he's sure to survive it." Garaki says but it falls on deaf ears, it seems Izuku has lost control over the insatiable hunger of All for One.

In a split second, Izuku turns and launches the tendrils of his new All for One quirk into the tank of a developing Noumu ripping the 4 quirks from that one. From there more tendrils rip through the flesh and pierce each of the tubes before impaling Hood in the chest. Each of the 10 high end noumu that were developing had their quirks ripped from them including poor Hood who had come to like the new sensei as he viewed him. Garaki manages to grab Johnny and force the small Noumu to warp him and the remaining Noumu, Izuku hasn't taken the quirks of, to a different lab. Nine tries to escape from his bacta tank before that is lifted from the facility and placed in the back of an armoured truck heading to the rendezvous point with his allies. With nothing standing in his way now Izuku, or the entity that once was, tears apart the facility. Dozens of vessels containing quirks were torn from the walls and either destroyed or absorbed by the new All for One holder. In his loss of control and fit of hunger enduced rage Deku rips the support struts from the lab causing the building to begin to collapse around him. His body moves on it's own and he lunges through the roof using Hood's quirks to fly out of the crumbling facility.

Bursting through the top of the lab he comes across an abandoned hospital slated for demolition. His comotion however has gained the attention of the local heroes, Hawks being one of them nearby comes to find out just what the hell is going on. Upon getting to the scene he recognises the missing UA student and bolts to his side trying to rescue Izuku. The All for One user promptly activates a combination of quirks and fires off a purple sphere arcing with purple lightning towards the sub lab. Upon impact an EMP goes off frying all electronics in a 10km diameter and levels the building. Deku looks up towards Hawks before the new All for One holder loses consciousness once again and begins to plummet hundreds of feet to the ground. Hawks dive bombs to rescue Izuku from hitting the ground and manages to grab him a good distance up. As he lands something in his mind starts to sear with pain then suddenly he the two of them fall 50 meters to the ground with a thud. Heroes from all around make their way to Hawk's and Izuku's aid. The new number one hero Endeavor comes to the scene and hoists Izuku and Hawks off the ground before taking the two to the nearest hospital. On the way he opens up a communicator and contacts Nezu, Aizawa and All Might. The missing student has been found. 

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