Why He's Called Eraser.

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 As the fight rages outside, Aizawa and Vlad do their best to keep the class calm. Most of the members of class 1-B have never even faced a villain and the time that the others did he rendered them unconscious. Ochako is cradling Eri in her arms trying to keep her calm but another tremor from the fight going on outside the room causes the little girl to shiver in fear. Meanwhile, Momo, Sero and Monoma attempt fruitlessly to wake Izuku using different smelling salts, an electric jolt and even a daylight simulant. As another tremor shakes the room Aizawa sighs heavily knowing that the fight isn't going in their favor. "Yaoyorozu." He says in a calm voice, causing the creation quirk user to turn and face him. "I'm going to need you to create me a few things."

"What is it?" She asks hurriedly running over to Aizawa. Rolling up her sleeve she activates her quirk causing the skin on her forearm to emit light and twinkle in its blues and pinks.

"I need you to make a suppressed AUG submachine gun chambered in .45 ACP. A handgun, the G-18 automatic pistol chambered in hollow point 9mm I need 2 of these. A suppressed M200 Intervention in .408CheyTac as well as flash grenades." Aizawa's instructions are cold, calculated and the weapons he lists off make several of the students freeze up knowing what's going to happen. "There's a bathroom if you need the privacy to create these weapons. Meanwhile I am going to get ready to go out there and assist All Might." Momo nods before quickly running towards the restroom as the normally tired teacher walks towards the row of monitors that have all been shut offline due to the security breach.

"Sir you're not really going to go out there, are you? And what's with the firepower?" Tetsutetsu asks as the cold underground hero walks towards the desk and presses on the keyboard for a few moments. Aizawa says nothing; instead he presses the enter key before the wall of screens opens, revealing a door leading to an underground tunnel system and a combat suit with body armor, bladed weapons and magazines covering the wall.

"I am. The persona you know me as, as a hero is Eraserhead. You all know that I am an underground hero that is mainly support. Most of that is true, I am an underground hero and my title is Eraserhead but I'm not a support class hero." He explains before walking towards the mannequin covered in tactical gear. The armor easily slides over his more loose fitting hero suit and with the pull of a strap it hugs his skin tighter. The black tactical gear now form fitting similar to that of a soldier rather than a hero. "I'm the Executioner."

With this final statement he picks up the full head helmet and places it on. As it clicks into place on the armor he's wearing the helmet's visor lights up. The eyes shine a bright red color as they turn on. The students watch as Aizawa loads each magazine into the armor in different spots, the sniper cartridges on his thighs, the mags for the SMG on his shoulders and the pistol mags on his hips. When Momo returns with the requested items, she stops in fear of the sight of Aizawa but the teacher of 1-A says nothing and instead grabs the weapons from her. He straps the pistols in holsters on his shoulders. The sniper holstered across his back and the sighted AUG in his grip. Vlad." The other teacher nods in solidarity to Aizawa before escorting the students to the subterranean escape route meanwhile Aizawa says something to himself before opening the door. "We die in the dark, so that others can live in the light."

"Everyone into the evac tunnel, I will bring Deku you all go now." Vlad says in a stern voice pointing towards the emergency exit leading out of the room and back towards UA proper. Hitoshi looks back at Aizawa for a brief moment just as the door shuts behind Earaserhead.

The observation room itself was able to shift position to observe each of the 8 training sites, the entrance itself is far off in the staging area before the entrance of the sites and All Might had managed to drag the fight away from the main entrance but the thunderous battle going on in the distance was a clear indicator that he needed help. The quirk erasing teacher takes a deep breath before running towards the fight. Using his capture gear, he wraps it around one of the trees inside site Theta in order to swing from the tree towards the small neighborhood inside the training facility. Off in the distance he can see the shockwaves from each punch thrown by All Might and the dust it disturbs. Finally getting to one of the buildings, he climbs up the wall and onto the roof before resting the bipod of his rifle on the chimney and taking aim. Pressing a button on the side of the scope he switches the sight to infrared so that he can see them through the dust. The multicolored image of the four armed Overhaul lights up as he dashes towards All Might attempting to slash at him with long claws that appear blue through Aizawa's scope.

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