Under The Starlight

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Ochako hums along with a jazz piece as she puts different dresses over herself in the mirror trying to decide on what to wear. Momo had been kind enough to create a few outfits for her to use for tonight. She and Izuku are going to go to dinner, walk around the gardens at the resort then relax in the furthest hot spring from the resort under the starlight. Izuku himself is lying down on their shared bed in the couple's resort, watching a hero news report on the television in the corner. A bottle of champagne is sitting in a bucket chilling and waiting for them to return that evening. She's having trouble deciding between a black high thigh cut sequin dress and a longer red dress that goes down to just above her knees. She puts the black dress up to her chest, looking at it once again before deciding that this is the one she's going to wear for their night out. Noticing her choose the dress, Izuku snaps his fingers causing the dress in her hands to vanish before her body is covered by the black green smoke of his warp gate quirk before parting revealing her dressed in it.

"Way to take all the fun out of getting gussied up, Izuku." She pouts, puffing her cheeks out indignantly at him before turning away.

"I mean..." He says with a shrug before suddenly appearing in front of her with a seductive smirk on his face. "I could just take all of it off of you." He says, trailing his finger up the spaghetti strap on her left shoulder giving it a quick tug. Ochako's face lights up bright red with blush as she quickly pulls away from him to hide her embarrassment.

"Stop teasiiiinnnnggg..." She wines, before pounding her fists on his chest embarrassedly. "You meanie, Deku-kun." She scolds, which only earns a smirk from him in return. "What are you gonna wear then?" She asks, changing subjects so he doesn't get any more fresh ideas.

"Just this." Izuku responds, using the same quirk to change his own clothes, he stands up from the bed clad in the green black mist before it disappears revealing his date wear. Dressed in black steamed slacks, a white button up shirt that stretches against the muscles of his forearms and upper body, black tie and black vest.. "What do you think?"

 "What do you think?"

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"Woah." Ochako says seeing him wear this, "Kinda giving me super villain vibes Izuku." He deadpans when she says this.

"We just have a habit of running into well dressed supervillains. Nine, All for One, even Overhaul to some extent." Izuku responds before running a hand through his hair, pulling it back slightly so it isn't as unruly as usual. "Do you still need time to get ready?" He asks as he pockets his wallet and phone.

"I was going to put makeup on, but since you already used your powers to do that for me, I guess I'm ready. Just need to put on my heels first then we can go." She responds, walking over to the shoe closet, grabbing her stiletto heels then putting them on. "Alright, I'm ready. Where are we heading tonight?"

"Oh, you'll just have to wait and see." Izuku answers before raising his hand towards the door, ushering his date towards it. "Shall we?" he asks as he telepathically opens the door revealing a spinning green and black portal leading them to their destination.

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