Eri's Condition and Care

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Eri stayed asleep for almost a full day, it was as if she hadn't rested in a long time. The doctors replaced her IV bag several times during this and finally she was hydrated. Now was the matter of satiating her hunger. Shortly after waking up she was greeted by Izuku and Mirio saying that they had taken her away from Overhaul and they were at a hospital. At first she was scared of the doctors but Izuku showed her they could be trusted, especially when a doctor entered the room with a plate of food solely for her. She stared at it blankly not knowing what she was looking at before Izuku picked up some chopsticks and grabbed some noodles for her. Mirio laughed at how easily Izuku went into the fatherly role for Eri, feeding her by hand and wiping the broth from her face.

"Never had any." She says timidly fearing it would be taken away from her.


"Bed... Food... Water. Only apple." she says tearfully with Izuku reaching over to a side table and handing her said apple back.

"This was the only thing you got to eat wasn't it." Izuku says before rubbing the side of the apple on his hero suit making it shine.

"I use quirk on apple. It come back make me not hungry." She says before looking at the chopsticks Izuku is holding, giving him a cue to give her some more of the ramen she was given.

"Now you can have plenty of food, all different kinds from all over the world." Mirio says confusing the young girl.

"What's world?"

"Oh... this is gonna be harder than I thought. Hmm... I know! I'll be right back."

"Wait Mirio you're not in your... And he's gone." Izuku says trying to stop him from phasing through the floor leaving his clothes behind. "At least he has his underwear this time."

"This is the world!" Mirio says coming back through the door in a patient's gown. Eri looks at the globe he's holding in his hands before he spins it and points to Japan.

"This is where we live, and there are a lot of countries with all kinds of food." Mirio says pulling up pictures of foods from all over the world.

"Mirio, her eyes are bigger than her stomach we're probably better off letting her choose one to eat next instead of showing her a lot of pictures at once. Start with some more local stuff first." Izuku says as he pulls up some pictures of some more local foods.

"Which one do you want, Eri?" Mirio asks, pointing to the different pictures. "Omurice, Okonomiyaki, Takoyaki, Tempura Bento, Katsudon, Mochi, Sushi." He lists off pointing to each one from the random google image search.

"That." Eri points to a perfectly spherical cake called Takoyaki which Izuku quickly explains what different kinds of fillings can go in it.

After going over pictures of food, Izuku decides to try and teach Eri how to speak in a less broken way. He requests some learning books for her from the nurses and begins going through some basics in language skills. Mirio steps out for a moment to talk to the doctor about when Eri will be allowed to leave the hospital. The doctor explains that they need to increase her weight to roughly 18kgs (40lbs) before she can leave. Before she is fed again, the doctor's weigh her to see if she had gained anything from her previous meal and were happy to find that she did increase in about 200 grams which is an increase but not nearly enough for her to be healthy. Her next meal was what she requested, a platter of Takoyaki balls that the nurses had made for Izuku, Mirio and Eri herself. Izuku showed her how to use chopsticks. She had issues with it for a bit and ended up being fed by Izuku once again. Mirio thought this was adorable and even sent a few pictures of the two of them to Nighteye and All Might saying that Izuku automatically took up a parental role for Eri.

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