Mikumo Shimura, Origins

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A sharp pain pulls him to what he thinks is reality, taking stock of his surroundings he senses that something is amiss. The man in front of him, the man that had struck him was a stranger yet looked slightly familiar like that of Inko. On the bottom of his chin is a similar beauty mark that Inko, he and his reflection shared, his eyes and facial structure reminded him of Inko. "I thought I told you that you weren't allowed to play Hero Tenko. There are no heroes, especially in this house." The man says before smacking him across the face again, this time however the pain was dull and just made his cheek feel numb. Though the name he was called wasn't his, the body wasn't his and neither were these memories. These were that of Tomura's but why was he here? Why was he seeing this?

"Kotaro." A woman's voice shouts filled with anger for what the man in front of him had done. "He is a child, barely even five. He doesn't know any better and you are abusing him for wanting to dream." Looking past the angry man before him and down the hallway he sees a woman that reminds him of Ochako. Her long brown hair parted to frame her face, soft caring eyes that were arched in anger. That sense of familiarity was back again, he felt as if she knew him all his life.

"He disobeyed me. There is no such thing as heroes. Just pretenders in costume only in it for themselves. There will be no heroes in this house! No playing, no discussion, Nothing!" He roars, shouting at the woman behind him and the other child cowering in fear behind her leg. The young girl couldn't be older than 5 herself, her twin tails sat at the sides of her head and fell to the center of her back.

He couldn't move his body but could only watch as he was dragged out of the house and thrown into the shed. The light of the house that felt like safety and comfort felt like it was miles away. The cold dank and dark shed was isolating, his only comfort was the corgi by his side. His soft fur, happy smile and warmth the feelings that washed through the memory were bitter sweet. Time didn't seem to make sense here though, one moment he and the corgi were inside the shed, when he blinked he was outside on a warm summer's day. His arm was grabbed by the wrist and he was being led to a tree house by the same girl that he saw the night before. Her light blue sundress glowed as the light hit it and a new feeling came over him. This was happiness, like the girl in front of him was the only one he cared for. He heard a voice come from his lips but it wasn't his own, it was that of Tenko's. "Where are we going Hana?" He hears himself say, finally naming the girl, his sister, as she finally comes to a stop.

"I snuck into Dad's study." She announces causing a sense of fear to wash through the memory. The pure terror that comes with angering an abusive parent and a terror that Tenko knew all too well. However instead of reprimanding his sister his curiosity takes over, why did she sneak into Kotaro's study? "I found a picture in Dad's desk, this lady is our grandmother." She says showing him a photograph. The picture shows their father, about their age missing a couple teeth as well as a young girl the same age, both children are hugging an older woman with a soft smile, long black hair and silver eyes. The daughter has a similar hair color but with a dark green hue to the shade.

"Whose the little girl?" He asks.

"Our Aunt, on the back it says her name. There's Dad's and grandma's names too. Her name is Nana Shimura and our auntie is Inko Shimura." Hana says innocently though both kids don't know what to do with this information. "Come Tenko let's go pl- Help me."

"What?!" Izuku thinks about hearing the memory call for help. He stares at her in horror as the image flickers for a moment, revealing her as a tortured soul that looks to be decaying into the aether. Half of her body and parts of her face were gray and everything below the knees was gone, flecks of dust breaking off and vanishing into the aether as blood dripped from the decaying wounds to the cracked ground beneath them. When he blinked again it was all back to normal. "What did you say?" He manages to ask through Tenko's voice.

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