More than lead to believe

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"Bakugou really thinks that I want to take his quirk?" Izuku asks as he and Ochako put on the finishing parts of their hero suits preparing for the raid on the Yakuza base.

"I flipped him through a table because he said you were a villain and would want to come after our quirks too." Ochako answers, causing Izuku to shudder at the thought.

"You don't think I will do that right? You know that I will give the quirks back as soon as the raid is over." Izuku asks, trying to hide the fear in his voice at what she might say. Ochako doesn't answer him verbally, instead she hugs him. This sudden action causes tears to well up in Izuku's eyes.

"You'll always have me in your corner. Izuku. When this is over, there's something I want to tell you." She says, breaking the hug and leaving the room.

"I got hugged by a girl..." Izuku thinks to himself with a very bright red face. "What does she want to tell me though?!" He thinks before starting to mentally panic.

Izuku finishes lacing up his shoes and puts the iron sole boots on over top of them. He will need every quirk in his arsenal for this raid. He reaches up to his forehead and presses a finger on the horn on the side of his head. "This all for Eri. I promise these criminals will be behind bars. Forever." Izuku says before pulling up his hood and tightening the guard around his mouth. He stands up and takes a deep breath trying to calm his anxiety before following Ochako's lead and leaving the equipment room in the portable base the military had set up.

Exiting the armored portable bunker Izuku walks past several bastions of military personnel, several Armored Personnel Carriers (APCs) 5 Tanks, a battalion of riot police and 3 juggernauts, armed with miniguns, before reaching the front where the heroes are waiting. He gets to the front where Nighteye is briefing the heroes there on what is going to happen before the raid starts. Usually heroes don't team up with military personnel to take down a Yakuza but this particular case is unique. These Yakuza have weapons that erase quirks permanently, the heroes are going absolutely quirkless only carrying rubber bullet rifles for their protection. The only three heroes with quirks are Deku, Sir Nighteye and Eraserhead. In the briefing, Nighteye explains that Izuku and the three juggernaut soldiers will take point, Nighteye will be using his foresight to see where a villain or armed thug will attack from, Aizawa to cancel out their quirk and for Deku to either incapacitate them or take their quirk before the armed forces arrest them. They have been instructed that the leader of the eight precepts, Kai Chisaki has been declared to either be taken in Dead or Alive by the province judge of Mustafu.

"You must be willing to give Deku your quirk, otherwise it will be extremely painful when he takes it. Once he has the quirk go to the armament truck to get your weapons then fall in behind the juggernauts." Nighteye explains with Izuku walking up towards the front of the heroes. They stare nervously at him as he takes off both of his gloves.

"I trust you, Deku-kun. I know you'll give this back to me when we're done." Uravity says being the first person to walk up to Izuku to have her quirk temporarily removed for the raid. Once the process is over, she smiles at Izuku having felt no pain and makes her way to where Nighteye had instructed.

"You're gonna kick some major ass with my quirk Deku. Land one in for me would ya?" Red Riot says walking up to Izuku and following with the same process.

"I don't think you're going to be able to take mine Deku, mine is a mutation based quirk it would change our physiology if you were to take it." Froppy comments, this shocks Izuku, he wasn't anticipating that she would be with them during the raid.

"It's fine, I've watched through this entire raid and know exactly what's going to happen and when. Stay behind Captain Yamamoto and you will be safe." Nighteye says, pointing to one of the tank commanders who bows to her.

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