In Response to a Need, Not a Desire

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Katsuki's heart skips a beat when All for One says these words, how could it be possible that he retained a piece of One for All after Nabu? Deku still has the quirk and all semblances of power had left him once the battle was over as if the quirk was a temporary power up. Shouto, Nejire and Tobita freeze as well, looking to Katsuki to see what his next move is. As he is lost in the possibilities of what All for One could possibly mean, a trickle of cold sweat runs down from the back of his neck. The stiff uncomfortable suit that he was forced to wear during the exercise is bogged down with the weight of the rain, but even through the cold water on his skin, that bit of sweat running down his neck as if someone dropped a single droplet of liquid nitrogen between his shoulder blades. In front of him, the antlered nomu chuckles to itself, turning the piercing, disgusting, puss yellow eyes from Bakugou to the others around him. "So many delectable quirks for the taking, and you my dear boy..." He trails off before beginning to chuckle to himself, the monster's head turns back to look at Katsuki. "You have my old quirk, the one my son so cruelly tore away from me, thankfully for you he purged my influence from that duplicate quirk leaving it a blank slate. Otherwise I would be in your head much like I was in his mind. Additionally, you also possess the Quirk of my otou-chan... Yoichi Izuku Shigaraki."

"Just what the fuck are you on about? I don't have One for All anymore. That power left me after Deku killed that Nine fucker on Nabu." Katsuki hisses, channeling some electricity to his palms preparing to attack the first nomu.

"You may not be aware of it just yet, but that part of my quirk that you now sling about like a monkey with a hammer, held on to a fragment of the power of One for All. It's being kindled by the power you now wield, your quirks and the stolen ones. But I do apologize dear boy, I will be taking that back now, however I will give you one opportunity that may sway me taking your quirks. My son already turned down my offer, but you showed enough promise for my attention. It is why I wanted to recruit you to the league." All for One extends his hand outwards towards Katsuki, grinning wickedly baring the gnarled, jagged, gnashing fangs in the abomination's maw. "Join me young Bakugou Katsuki and together the world will be ours."

"I mean, with the most sincerity, Go fuck yourself." Katsuki vehemently declares before extending his hand and blasting the nomu with several million volts of electricity, the blue crackling lightning connects near instantly to his target.

"So be it." All for One declares, holding up a hand and catching the discharge of electricity in his palm. The energy swirling into a mass of ecstatic power aching to be dispersed from the form it had been forced into.

Katsuki raises and eyebrow at the use of this quirk, it seems to be a direct counter to both his and Kaminari's abilities. Though thankfully for him Kaminari isn't here at the moment but that doesn't bring any less stress to the situation at hand. All for One smiles as he extends his hand forwards blasting the mass of energy he had collected back towards Katsuki. While slower than the lightning Katsuki used, it's just as deadly. Immediately the explosive quirk user snipes the ball of energy with an AP shot, causing it to erupt in a massive discharge of electricity that arcs every which way as it tries to find a way to ground itself out. The others around him flank All for One on all sides trying to box him in, Shouto to the right, Nejire to the left and Mr Gentle behind the demon. The Lord of evil laughs at the predicament he is now in, the flames of the Hellfire quirk stolen from Endeavor beginning to reach higher as the Villain overlord slowly learns how to use the quirk. "Which one of you foolish heroes wishes to die first? If you attack now, I promise I'll make your death quick." He growls in a mocking tone, not noticing Katsuki gives a slight glance to Gentle and get a nod in return. Making the first move, Katsuki raises his right arm and throws a heavy punch using the Air Cannon quirk that his adversary had used against All Might in Kamino. All for One himself is slightly impressed with the use of this quirk, and even more so when the wall of air rushing towards him hits him so hard it cracks several ribs in the Nomu's emaciated form. The force of the blast sends the demon lord from his feet and careening backwards, the air having snuffed out the flames currently present in his body like someone blowing out a candle. Being quite literally blown back, All for One can't help but feel a slight bit of pride in the work his son has done to strengthen his allies. Though that thought is short lived as he careens with a wall of rubber courtesy of Mr Gentle. The rubberized air bends and stretches due to the force being exerted against it but manages to dissipated most of the energy involved in the opening attack from Katsuki. The rubber then rebounds sending All for One back towards Katsuki who is rearing his fist back preparing for another strike.

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