ReDestro's Evil Incorporated

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"Such a dreary place." Shigaraki mutters to himself as he steps out of a portal overlooking the Meta Liberation Army headquarters of Detnerat. "The successor of Destro, with the unoriginal name of ReDestro." Shigaraki complains to himself as he begins walking into the city.

Cars and pedestrians look in amusement and some in mild uncomfortability at the hand clasped villain, but he pays them no mind. Those sheep of people have no idea they're mere feet away from a wolf, but this wolf is alone. This one has yet to assert his power over anyone, having been trained for the majority of his life to lead but he always had to follow. He had to form a new pack of followers, some from his father's contacts and others from those he himself knows. The Omega is alone, at least for the time being, his thoughts addled by fears from his past and an insistent nagging in his head that he isn't good enough to succeed his master. His thoughts are interrupted when he reaches the building he is looking for. A strangely shaped skyscraper that appears to have a segment of two or three floors offset from the top that is domed like an observatory. On the top is a sign that reads "Detnerat" and the man he is looking for is inside.

The automatic doors part for him as he enters the building, and once inside he's met by a receptionist that points him towards an elevator. He didn't even speak to the woman but it's as if his presence was enough to let her know who he was and whom he was meeting. She presses an intercom on her desk and lets ReDestro know that he has a visitor on his way before letting Tomura know what floor to go to. Tomura says nothing but presses the button as instructed heading all the way to the top of the office building. He stands in silence listening to the simple jingle in the elevator that ascends to the top relatively quickly. With the elevator coming to a stop, Shigaraki steps across the threshold into the penthouse office itself. Facing away from the elevator is a man dressed in a dark purple pinstripe suit, his hair buzzed on one side and spiked in the center pointed off to his left. Behind him two men in lab coats are handing off a sealed brief case when Shigaraki walks into the room. Sensing a new presence, ReDestro turns slightly over his shoulder and speaks.

"Ahh, Perry the Platypus I was expecting yo- wait a moment. You're not who I was expecting." He greets before turning to face the visitor, one of the attendants in the room rushes over to ReDestro before whispering in his ear.. "Shigaraki Tomura, to what do I owe the pleasure of speaking with the successor of All for One."

"Always with the pleasantries ReDestro, but I didn't come by for a mere hello. I have some things I would like to discuss." Shigaraki begins as he walks past the two scientists, making his way to the chair in front of ReDestro's desk.

"Leave us." The CEO states prompting the guards and other workers to leave the room shortly after. The auburn brown haired man turns towards his desk and takes a seat. Pouring two glasses of cognac from a decanter by his computer. "What would you like to discuss? Have you finally come around to the invitation to my fold?"

"While I do not agree with the motives of your Meta Liberation Army, I require your assistance and numbers for what I am planning." Shigaraki says coldly, he creepily pinches the crystal glass between his middle finger and thumb before haphazardly twirling his wrist and sloshing the caramel colored liquid within.

"And what would that be, my young acquaintance."

"War. A War I will wage against this society, against the heroes, against the world and against my brother." ReDestro's eyebrow perks up at this statement. "I require men for an army, one that will follow me without question and you're the only man I know with that asset."

"And like your master you wish to take that for yourself hmm?" ReDestro questions before taking a long sip of the liquor. "But what of your brother, as far as I am aware you were an anomaly, suddenly appearing as an ankle biter at All for One's side. Did he hand you the reins so he could settle down and have a family?"

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