Recovering and Questioning

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Light blinds his vision as he snaps awake in the bed of a hospital room. You'd think he would be used to this at this point but the bright white lights were always blinding when he came to. Memories of the previous events flashed through his head and a feeling of disgust and a feeling of satisfaction washed over him. Disgust at the fact of what Dr Garaki had done to those people's bodies having turned them into monstrosities but strangely he felt satisfied. His satisfaction stemmed from that hunger being momentarily quelled and the knowledge that he was able to put those Noumu to rest and destroy the research. As he takes stock of the room around him he sees Hawks across from his bed, wingless though not phased by this as he chuckled and tried to show a meme to Endeavor. Endeavor made an unintelligible noise at the picture before noticing Izuku was awake.

"Hey you. You're finally awake. You were trying to escape from the lab, good thing you got caught up in the hero's ambush they were going to spring." Endeavor says standing from his chair and walking towards Izuku.

"You did a number on that abandoned hospital, we found 15 noumu down there all dead. The research was destroyed but we have no idea where that white haired fellow or the doctor with the bushy mustache went." Hawks adds before placing a hand on what once was his wings.

Izuku feels hawks place his hand on the wings on his back and his heart sinks, he had stolen the quirk of a pro-hero when he lost control. He tries to reach over to Hawks instinctively activating All for One in desire to give the quirk back but, the clink of a chain and the sounds of a powering up quirk cancelation cuff fill the air, he notices he's chained to the bed. He slumps back down feeling his wings against the fabric and looks at Endeavor with sadness filling his eyes. Endeavor let's his facade of a cold man go as he tries to console Izuku.

"Before you ask, no one was harmed and we aren't going to arrest you just because your father is a villain." Endeavor says before hearing a crack as one of the quirk cuffs cracks from Izuku's lack of control of All for One.

"Yeah if we were arresting people for that, Endeavor here would already be in tartarus."

"The fuck you say?"


"H-how long was I out?" Izuku says with a hoarse voice before clearing his throat.

"A few days but you've been missing for 2 months. Your class had gone through the provisional exams already but All Might is going to test you for yours." Hawks replies.

"Oh... okay then." Izuku says laying back down, suddenly his eyes widen as he shoots up from the bed and shatters the cuffs on his wrists. "Where's All Might?! Is he alright?! Did he survive?! Did he win?!" He exclaims placing his hands on the sides of his head in shock.

"Easy there Midoriya, he's fine and retired now. He's talking with your class outside in the hall. You shouldn't move all that much, you're connected to an IV and you have a catheter in." Endeavor hesitantly pushes Izuku's shoulders so he lays back down onto the bed.

"He was badly hurt when I was thrown through that portal. What happened during the fight?"

"He defeated your pops and the worst he got was a broken arm and some lacerations. Your pops is in the tartarus and in a far worse condition than All Might was in. when he landed the final blow to All for One's head he snapped his neck. He's only alive thanks to a respirator and life support system." Hawks replies before looking to the door and motioning for All Might to come inside.

"Hawks?" Izuku asks, causing the new number 2 hero to turn to him. "Did I hurt you?"

"You? No. Gravity, yes. We fell from 50m in the air, I had a few broken bones from the landing but it was healed by one of the doctors." Hawks replies before he's grabbed by Deku and hugged by the now hysterical All for One user.

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