Nezu's Decision

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"Principle Nezu, after the recent attack on UA campus, it's evident that your current security measures are incapable of keeping students from harm's way. Multiple S class villains were on campus, one of which Eraserhead had dealt with during the events of the Hissaikai raid. Not to mention the reveal of his profession as a Hitman for the World Hero Organization. The province of Mustafu feels that UA is not able to protect its students." The man saying this is the chairman Shigeo Koga. "This is not coming from malice Principle, but my hand has been forced. UA must either completely overturn its current defense system and remake it from scratch to prevent teleport quirks and warping ones or it will be disbanded. The people have spoken, and the government of Japan is forcing this decision. I hope you understand, old friend."

"I do, however I am going to inform you that trying to prevent warp gates and teleportation quirk users from getting on campus is easier said than done. However we have multiple students that possess the All for One quirk. Those individuals are responsible for defusing the situation, dealing with all of the invaders and healing every student that was even mildly hurt from the incident. I will speak with my staff about this, and while UA is going under renovations I will permit a reprieve from campus for the time that it will take." The mouse man responds, not bothering to hide the annoyance in his voice.

"Governor Tadeo wants to begin the Achilles Protocol regarding Midoriya Izuku, it would be a means to keep him in check." Nezu's brow furrows when Koga says this, the Achilles protocol essentially holds Ochako and Eri hostage to the hero safety commission as an ultimatum to Deku that if he acts out or against them they will suffer severe consequences. "I take your silence as you're not happy to hear this."

"That Shigeo is a fucking understatement. You can tell the Governor," Nezu mocks the title when he says the word, "That all the Achilles protocol would accomplish is his own death. Deku has shown that he can raise the dead with his powers. Shimura Nana is proof enough of that. He's also responsible for defeating Overhaul and Nine which you fools were powerless to stop. You couldn't even prevent Overhaul's body from getting into the hands of that madman who calls himself a doctor. Should he go forward with that protocol, it will put the single most powerful entity on this side of the planet on a warpath right for him. Then after he's been turned inside out, ass first, Deku will merely resurrect anyone that the protocol had executed in an attempt to keep him in line. What more could you idiots want from him? He resurrected the person who formed your organization, restored the symbol of peace to the peak of his power and has defended thousands of civilians single handedly. The biggest threat to society and the public is the safety commission itself." Nezu snarls, flecks of spittle dripping from his mouth as he growls out his response. "As for Aizawa, you and I both know that you're the one who proposed the elimination initiative in the first place. I think it's best if we end this conversation, Koga. I'll see about honoring your... request to fix the security system of UA and I'll send the governor the security recordings of Izuku single handedly slaughtering an legion of nomu clones of that bastard Overhaul. We'll see then if he wants to threaten his loved ones after he watches just what Deku did to that worthless piece of villain filth once known as Overhaul." With that last vitriolic statement from Nezu, he slams closed the display of his laptop. Shoving his chair back away from his desk, he stands and walks towards the window trying to cool his temper.

Nezu sighs deeply, the increasing attacks from the league and the daringness is alarming. These last events, in Nezu's opinion, have been probing attacks. The league is trying to figure out just how strong the heroes are but why target UA? It's likely that All for One and maybe even Shigaraki knows that Izuku, and now Bakugou are the biggest threats considering both of them possess All for One and One for All. With the resurrection of Nana Shimura, the rejuvenation of All Might as well as Bakugou's own evolution there are four people with One for All. The fact that they out number All for One and his own successor 2:1 is all the more meaningful for the demon lord to probe them to gauge their strength. As an idea strikes him, Nezu turns on a recorder on his desk before speaking "All for One is afraid." Nezu says, walking to the column next to his desk. As he peers out the window he sees Izuku floating over Neito as the blonde man trains vigorously with the son of All for One. "If this is the case, we can use his fear as a weapon. The research we have taken from Dr Ujiko's lab under that abandoned hospital, while completely unethical and abhorrent, could be used for our own advantage. Midoriya Izuku now possesses over 60 quirks thanks to the last attack. Including Rewind, Twice, Overhaul and strangely now he also has Decay. With Dr Ujiko's research we may be able to duplicate those quirks, albeit temporarily and deploy them with heroes like support gear. I'll have to speak to Powerloader and his protege, not to mention the Shields to get on this project. I'm not sure if he'll permit us to do it, but perhaps we could even make our own duplicate of All for One itself. If not his, maybe Bakugou's own or Nine's which I assume he stole from the villain of the same name back at Nabu." He monologues, "Contact the hero course staff and bring them to my office in an hour." The computer chimes in with an affirmative response before a pot of tea is produced from the inside of Nezu's desk.

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