Love Makes One Feel Weightless.

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Seeing the blood drip from between his eyes shook her to her core. Despite him being perfectly fine from the headshot it didn't do without causing damage but not to its intended target. Ochako was left shell shocked from what she witnessed, Izuku Midoriya, the man who saved her life on the first day they met was shot; and it would have been lethal had he not possessed several regenerative quirks. After Aizawa told Izuku to go tend to the others to make sure everyone was safe and uninjured he walked by her completely unphased as to what had happened. He didn't know the lasting effects that are haunting his best friend, she manages to hold her composure until the sidekicks are dismissed and sent back to UA. She couldn't describe what she was feeling and was still contemplating what she had witnessed. Seeing that something was wrong, Izuku sits by her on the ride back to UA.

"Are you alright Uraraka?" Izuku asks, sitting next to his friend.

"I... I don't know." She responds still staring at the floor of the personnel transport they are riding back to UA in.

"Were you hurt? Is your quirk gone?! Do I need to reverse it back?!" Izuku asks, starting to panic as he activates Eri's quirk causing his horn and his hands to glow a golden color.

"I... wasn't the one who was hurt. You were." She responds as tears start to form in her eyes, "I s-saw that monster then you t-took me into that r-room quirk thing a-and then when we came out b-before you could even d-do anything... you were shot. I-I k-know you are f-fine but, s-seeing so-someone I ca-care about almost d-die I..." She says as she starts to break down, choking on her words as she speaks. Izuku pulls her into a tight embrace as she starts to cry into his shoulder soaking what's left of his hero costume in her tears. Seeing the eyes of the others around them he opens the storage rift and picks up Ochako before bringing her inside it.

Inside this place Izuku walks back to that same room he and Eri spent time in when he first rescued her. He sits on the small bed holding Ochako in his arms much the same he did with Eri as she too cries. He says nothing letting her get the sorrow out of her system and instead rubs her back and shoulder with his hand. He's seen the Ochako at her highest but has never seen her this destroyed and the only thing he can do is to console her. He didn't know how much time they spent there in that room outside of the cruelty that is the outside world. Here it was only her and him and that was just what the two of them wanted. As more time passed her tears progressively slowed until they stopped, she looked up at him with puffy eyes getting a reassuring smile in return. "It's alright now Ochako. I am here." Izuku says, hearing him say her first name was surprising and it caused her to blush upon hearing it. "You ready to head back into the real world now?" Izuku asks, getting a nod in response, he reopens the quirk and the two step outside.

The transport vehicle was long gone, almost 5 hours had passed since the two of them entered the quirk space. When they reappeared in the real world, Izuku and Ochako walk out of the rift onto the sidewalk and start walking back to UA. He grabs her hand as a sign of reassurance that he is still with her and she interlocks her fingers with his sans her pinky finger. They stayed silent through most of their walk, Ochako leaning her head onto Izuku's shoulder as they passed the parking lot to Dagobah municipal beach. Ochako lifts her head up and tugs Izuku's arm leading him to the shore of the beach. They walk across the soft sands towards the pier leading into the ocean enjoying the feeling of the other. As they reach the end of the pier they take a seat on a bench looking out at the waves and the setting sun on the horizon. It had been a long and stressful day and the two of them desperately needed this.

"Bakugou is going to confront you when you arrive back to UA you know." She says laying her head on his shoulder and hugging his arm.

"I don't care about that, if he thinks I want his quirk then that's on him. He thinks his quirk is the best in the world but I don't need or ever want that quirk. Especially after growing up at the receiving end of it." Izuku says resting his head on hers.

"What do you mean by that? Your quirk is amazing and your new one is so strong, why did he use his on you?" Ochako asks, looking up towards him.

"The day I saved you in the entrance exams was the very first time I ever used it. My father took away All for One when I was a little boy. For what I don't know, if it was to protect me or to turn me into a villain I have no idea. For those long years... I was quirkless." Izuku explains, he goes on to tell her everything about his childhood. The years of bullying, the burns, the scars, the bruising. He didn't stop at that he told her every single thing that had ever happened to him, including One for All. She stayed quiet pondering about what he was saying thinking about what he had been through.

"Bakugou doesn't deserve to be a hero." Ochako says as she turns to face the sunset again.

"I believe everyone can be a hero... he just needs to change. The past is in the past and now my life is almost perfect. I have friends, two quirks that I know I can use to save the world. A daughter who will grow up without fear... and I have you." Izuku says listing off the many things that make him happy.

"When I saw you get shot, I felt a part of me die in that moment. I... I can't do this without my best friend. It's scary, if you didn't have All for One... You would be gone." Ochako says starting to tear up again.

"No tears Ochako, it's fine now. No civilians died, no heroes died and none of the soldiers died either. I was the only one to get hurt and I'm already healed." He says wiping the tears from her eyes and cupping the side of her face.

With the setting sun behind them, Ochako leans forwards into Izuku and kisses him. The sudden action caused Izuku's eyes to widen in shock. He feels her pressing her lips against his and sees her closed eyes before he too closes his own. He turns his head to the side deepening the kiss before pressing his tongue against her lips. At first she is reluctant but obliges soon after opening her mouth more and engaging him in a duel of tongues. She leans over him even more as he snakes his arms around her back with her grabbing the sides of his head keeping him against her as their kiss continues. It felt like an eternity of bliss for the two, just the other's company as they moved their mouths and tongues against the other. Had a local police officer not tap Izuku on the shoulder snapping the two out of it, they would have kissed through the entire night and probably the next day. Izuku and Ochako bow apologetically to the officer before scurrying away red faced as all get out from embarrassment. "Damn teenagers." The cop says as they turn the corner.

Arriving 2 hours past curfew to UA, the two try to sneak into the dorms but end up getting caught by Iida as they enter through the back door of Heights Alliance. "And where have you two been? Kirishima and Tsu got here hours ago!" Iida scolds.

"I'm sorry Iida, but I got shot in the head today and I don't want to have this conversation right now. We'll continue this tomorrow." Izuku says as he and Ochako walk past Iida into the dorms.

"Oi. Deku." Bakugou calls walking towards them from the staircase.

"What." Izuku asks in an annoyed tone seeing the angry blonde walk towards him.

"Come with me, were going to discuss that quirk of yours." He says passing by him.

"I'm not going anywhere unless I want to. I am going to my room to spend time with my daughter and my girlfriend." Izuku replies, causing Bakugou to stop and walk up to him, getting in his face.

"Fuck you say to me Deku?!" He shouts, poking his finger into his chest.

"You heard me. I've been shot in the head today and I'm in no mood to deal with whatever you're dragging me outside for. Now, Leave us." Izuku says channeling the same frightful presence he used against Overhaul. Katsuki was terrified and frozen in place from this but Izuku didn't carry on the conversation any further, he took Ochako's hand and went up stairs to his and Eri's room. 

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