Ace Up His Sleeve

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 In the many hundreds of years that All for One had walked the earth, he had never gotten the pleasure of seeing someone be gifted and then awaken his brother's quirk. He knows this isn't the first time Katsuki had been given the quirk, but that doesn't take away the limelight of the moment in his eyes. The quirk he had long coveted since his brother betrayed him flourished to life once more, and for the briefest of instances he felt as if his brother was standing before him once more. Granted another successor of his brother's lineage of disciples is distracting him from the beautiful manifestation of power taking place. Nana's twisted expression of rage deepens further once she notices that her enemy isn't even paying attention to their fight. Across the battlefield, Katsuki grabs his shoulder then shoves it back into socket shouting out in pain as it pops back into place. He rolls the once injured shoulder trying to ease the pain before looking upwards at the floating horned demon before him.

"Wonderful. Truly wonderful. Of all the quirks I have held, studied and even coveted, Yoichi's is truly the most beautiful. The forbidden fruit, the one quirk I could never take." All for One exclaims in a tone like that of reverence, extending his arm outwards towards Bakugou. "Truly a wonderful feeling is it not? To have both of my powers, it is a shame that you refused the offer to join me. However thankfully quirks persist even after death."

"Good, I'll remember that when I turn your bitch ass to ash." Katsuki growls beginning to float upwards getting to the same height in which All for One is floating. The arch villain just smiles wider at the prospect.

"This body is designed to counter the likes of even my son. What makes you so sure you could stand against me?" All for One asks incredulously, raising a hand and preparing to unleash another rebound. "Take solace in this boy, I have no hatred for you or any other heroes. Like that of someone not feeling hatred for crushing an ant beneath his boot."

"Why don't I just show you, I figured you out Asshole. You might have quirks that counter most of what I have but... you're not the only one with an ace up his sleeve." Bakugou responds, lifting the opposite hand to All for One, preparing a counter to the rebound.

"Actions speak louder than words boy." All for One says calmly, the hand extended towards Bakugou pulses bright blue for a moment before the concussive rebound pulses from his hand.

Seeing the incoming blast, Bakugou spreads his fingers apart creating a golden barrier before him. The blast released by All for One bounces off the barrier creating a ring of pressure around it almost cracking it in the process. Though the skeletal form of the Nomu has no eyebrows, Katsuki can see whatever muscles that are there on the monster's face arch in a similar fashion to a raised eyebrow. With the rebound attack blocked, Katsuki shifts forwards and blitzes All for One using the added speed from One for All to cover the distance in a fraction of a second. The arch villain does nothing to counter the blast, instead letting the fire stolen from Endeavor dissuade Bakugou from making contact with him. In theory it would have worked however as Bakugou reappears with an open palmed strike glowing white hot, his eyes flash red for a single moment. The moment is hardly long enough for the lethargic mind of the decomposing vessel to register what had happened. One moment, he was floating in the air before Katsuki, the next his torso had been bifurcated laterally at the hip. The top half of the body careening through the air like that of an artillery shell.

"Oi, the rest of you get the fuck out of here. If he's strong enough to knock me out in a single attack the rest of you will die in this fight. Go help the others, the rest of my class and class B are fighting another freaksack over by ground Theta." Katsuki orders pointing back towards where they had come from. "Don't make me tell you again. MOVE YOUR ASSES!!!" He shouts prompting both Todorokis, the big three and Kaminari to head towards the other battle.

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