Part 22

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After travelling upon the Eagles for many hours we finally reached the boarders of Mordor by sunset. Which is a dangerous time to be so close to the black gates, with orc filth scowering the land.

Reaching Raliyath's fortress appeared to be he harder than we expected. It was now nightfall and Raliyath's fortress was concealed in the darkness of the night. Therefore without Eliandel's magic being able to discover it was a mere possiblity.

Radagast had left us due to Eliandel's persistant commands. Therefore Eliandel, Thrandiual and myself made our way towards Raliyath's fortress. Once again all down to Eliandel we reached the main gateway, which was a stone gate with ancient symbols written either side of it. Eliandel started chanting in a language I did not recognise and with a small creek the gates opened and we walked through cautiously.

Raliyath is a wizard but a wizard who weilds forms of black magic, for the good though. Raliyath the Black is her real name and alongside Sauroman, is the most powerful out of all 6 wizards. The 6 wizards being Gandalf the Grey, Sauroman the White, Eliandel the Blue, Radagast the brown and of course Raliyath the Black. Although there is one other that not many people speak of.

Dulonam the Red.

His kind of magic is very rare which is the reason why nobody ever see's him because his magic is never needed. Dulonam lives quite close to Bree but not many know for as I have said, he is rarely seen.

I realised while I had drifted off thinking of the Dulonam I had not realised we were now stood before Raliyath inside a great hall.

Raliyath had long black hair that was plaited like my own. She wore a long black dress which reached the floor and had a small train. By her side, she held a staff which is the same as all the other wizards except Raliyath's was black which blue stone incased in the top.

"Eliandel the Blue, I wondered when I would be seeing you. I see you have brought with you the young Maara Witch." Raliyath spoke, her voice soft although it still echoed thoughout the grand hall.

"Yes indeed Rayliath and Tauriel is the reason we are in need if your help." Raliyath turned to look at me while Eliandel spoke as if she was examining my soul.

"Ah I see. What is it that you need my assistance with Tauriel?" I quickly looked up at the mention if my name.

"I have experienced a vision, one full of darkness." Raliyath just nodded and then walked towards what looked like a throne.

"What was this vision about? Was there anyone you knew in the vision?" She asked the question I daren't answer. Especially seen as Thrandial was present as this particular moment in time.

"Yes. There was one person I know who was in the vision." I told Raliyath, praying to Valinor that she would not ask the name of the person. Unfortunatly my prayers had not been answered.

"What is the name of this person?" She asked curiously. Suddenly the strangest feeling came over me and I could hear Raliyath talking inside my head.

Why are you afraid to speak their name Tauriel. There is nothing to be frightened of, I only want to help you and discover why you had the vision.

She spoke quietly. I looked up to see her give me a small smile, trying to reasure me.

"Prince Legolas Greenleaf." I spoke quickly but clearly. Thrandiual sharlly turned to face us all, both confusion and anger in his eyes.

"What?!"he roared.

"Your son I believe King Thrandiual of the Woodland Realm. Your anger is understandable, but this vision was not being controlled by Tauriel. Also I know you are all most likely concerned that Legolas' fate in the vision will become reality, due to the fact that it is an insight of what is to come. But the future can be changed and is constantly changing. Just by having the vision changed the future and path that will lead you to your fate Tauriel. So therefore what you saw in the vision may not ever occur in the future, but that will all be decided once you choose the path's towards your destiny."

So Legolas will not die?

If that is what happend in the vision then I do not know young one. But I  advise you to try and forget your love for the Prince. As you are most likley aware, your magic could darken and Legolas will die along with your heart which will remain black forever. Raliyath told me through our mind connection whilst Eliandel and Thandiual spoke. I thought of her words and as I did she began to walk towards Eliandel and Thrandiual.

Wait. There is one more thing I must ask you Raliyath.

Go on.

During the time I was with Eliandel, learning how to use my magic. She spoke of another power. Another power that I am yet to discover. I believe I have although I do not know for certain.

What is it?

It is different from the magic I currently weild. The power to controll the elements. This one I believe is the power to controll a creature.

What creature? Raliyath asked a worried expression showed clearly on her face.

The Dragon


Cliff hanger! Ah am I not so kind to you all?!

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Thank you all once again.

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